Building Blocks

God is always building, always working, and always doing more behind the scenes than we can see or expect. 

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I was recently in a time of corporate prayer at our Roar Kingdom Center. About 40 minutes into the prayer meeting, I felt the power and presence of God begin to fill the room and then the Lord gave me a vision. In the vision, I saw building blocks. They were like the kind a child would play with, but then I saw the hand of God come and start arranging and shifting them around. I could tell the hand of God was using these blocks to build something. However, I couldn’t tell what God was building. In the vision, I could feel the anointing and tangible presence of God and as what He was building really began to take shape, the vision ended. I then began to pray into the vision and I told the Lord I didn’t know what He was building but that I could clearly sense that He was building something.

About a week before I had this vision, the Lord gave me a prophetic dream about cargo ships. You can read it here or listen to it here.. Since I had that prophetic dream, I’ve had an expectation of the Holy Spirit that has not left me since then. And with this vision of God building something, even though I couldn’t tell what it was, I sense so strongly in my spirit that God is shifting and rearranging things in this season in order to build something that we cannot yet see or make sense of. God is building behind the scenes in this season and He is looking for those that can walk by faith and not by sight. Many times we think we are waiting on God in order to step into everything He has for us when really He is often waiting on us. God is always building, always working, and always doing more behind the scenes than we can see or expect. 

So I believe God is looking for those that will get ready, get themselves into position and prepare for what He is building right now. He is rearranging the blocks in order to build something that will manifest itself in this next season. You may feel like things are falling apart in different areas of your life right now. But ask the Lord to give you greater discernment to be able to step into things with Him that we may not fully understand yet. Part of following the Holy Spirit is saying yes to God before we even know the question. This is the walk and fight of faith that we need to pursue if we want to be a part of what God is doing and is about to do on the earth in this hour. 

I also want to encourage you that as I was praying into this vision, I sensed from the Lord that every prophetic word that God has ever spoken over your life is going to come to fruition. Now is the time to lean in and engage with the Lord in prayer and preparation so that you can run full throttle into what God has for you when it comes to pass. This is a now season for God to do something big, something extraordinary and He wants you to be a part of it! Make sure you are ready for what God is about to do. Grab hold of this vision and ask the Lord how you can co-labor with Him as He is building in this season!

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.

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