In the early hours of this morning, I had a vivid dream. In the dream I was passing through what appeared to be an abandoned garage. This garage had several different parts in the building, it was like the remnants of several car repair garages all connect into the same building but separated by concrete walls.
Although each one of them was connected by a door through the walls.
While I was venturing through each one of these vacant car repair shops (as there were many of them), I finally stopped in what appeared to be the last one. Upon stopping I noticed that there were many children climbing in through a window on the side of the building. They acted as though they had been there over and over many times, because they knew the layout of the building to a tee.
As I was standing there watching them, I began to call to them that this place was not a safe place for them to be. Some of them ran away when I said this, while others ran up to me. One little boy in particular, that appeared to be 2 years of age, ran up to me and grabbed my pants leg.
I reached down and picked him up and he smiled at me. Then suddenly this 2-year-old little boy became extremely unsettled and told me that he wanted his Daddy. So as I sat the squirming little man down, he ran right through a roll-up door I hadn’t noticed before.
Outside of the building there appeared a man, large in stature, whom I could only see from the waist down, and His garments were radiant! The 2-year-old ran up to Him, the man picked him up and declared it was time for him to come home for a rub down! Then I instantly awakened.
Now many of you would look at this dream like it was something random, but as I awakened the Holy Spirit said to me that He is removing the Spirit of Abandonment and Orphan Spirit from His people! You see He was the man standing outside of the garage roll-up door.
“GOD PLACES THE SOLITARY IN FAMILIES AND GIVES THE DESOLATE A HOME IN WHICH TO DWELL; He leads the prisoners out to prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.” Psalms 68:6
The garage is a representation of ministries that have rejected people and tossed them away. Many of those ministries have folded up and disappeared, so that all that remains of them are deserted buildings where old used cars and trucks (the vehicles representing the Ministry) were kept.
In many of these places where rejection has been, the Holy Spirit is visiting them and gathering these orphans out of the midst of those places where they’ve been abandoned. As He visits, each one of those hungry for His Presence will begin to run into His arms. He will (in turn) pick them up and give them an Anointing oil rub down (just like the Shepherd does for His Sheep).
He will not leave you as orphans, He has sent the Holy Spirit to you. The Comforter has come, to remove that Spirit of rejection and to embrace every son or daughter wounded by the circumstances which they have faced at the hands of others.
“For thus says the Lord God: BEHOLD, I, I MYSELF, WILL SEARCH FOR MY SHEEP AND WILL SEEK THEM OUT. AS A SHEPHERD SEEKS OUT HIS SHEEP IN THE DAY THAT HE IS AMONG HIS FLOCK THAT ARE SCATTERED, so will I seek out My sheep; and I will rescue them out of all places where they have been scattered in the day of clouds and thick darkness.” Ezekiel 34:11-12
God wants to heal the hearts of all of those who have felt (or been) left behind, deemed unimportant, and wounded by those around them. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS COMING TODAY TO HEAL THE BROKEN HEARTED AND TO SET YOU FREE so that you can run to the Lord and be picked up in His arms and get a Holy Spirit anointed rub down.
“I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU AS ORPHANS [comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless]; I will come [back] to you.” John 14:18
It’s time to be free of the wounds of your past family, He whom the Son sets Free is Free Indeed! Allow yourself to run to the Lord today and be healed from the issues that have been buried from years of pain and guilt! Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It’s time for a new chapter to be written in the book of your life, the past is gone, the fresh and New have Come!
Featured Image by Isa KARAKUS from Pixabay
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