A demonic, evil, hellish concoction
Has been released upon the earth
Its source is a reason for conjecture
We’re fighting it for all that we’re worth!
Mitigation is a new word we have learned
And it has changed the way we live
We no longer have freedom to move about
Or a handshake or hug to give.
Conspiracy theories are common as rain
Confusion is reigning supreme
People wake up every morning
Wishing this mess was just a bad dream!
Lockdown is another term we’ve been taught
Cabin fever has been newly defined
No more running out to the restaurant or mall
We are truly, sincerely confined!
“This too shall pass”, an old friend said
And I know that statement is true
But behind the headlines, yet in plain sight
There is many an ominous clue.
This is not just about a deadly virus-
(Which deserves our full attention)
There’s a much deeper thing going on
In the midst of much apprehension.
Power grabs have risen up quickly
They are some politicians’ dream-
Mainstream media is having a heyday-
Things are really not what they seem.
Freedoms vanished quickly
Disappearing more each day
The “models” gave some guidance
But they were wrong in every way.
New World Order proponents are giddy
They think that this is their chance
To destroy America’s economy
And make this our “last dance.”
“Au contraire,” we say to that notion
“We won’t even consider that thought
And they won’t use this to throw the election
They most definitely will not!”
Because America was founded on freedom
And blood and sweat and tears
We won’t be destroyed by a contrived virus
Or paralyzed by unfounded fears!
We have seen our enemy and know his name
Lord of the flies and the master of lies
He has overplayed his hand this time
And he’s getting closer to his demise.
We are still one nation under God
And He surely has not forsaken us
The dark side had a clever plot-
But God is using it to awaken us!
Awake O sleeper, rise from the dust
It is the call of the Spirit, arise we must!
For years we’ve waited for this hour
The time has come to see God’s power!
What may seem right now like the darkest of days
Is truly the brightest in a myriad of ways
Families have been brought together again
People overcome by fear are repenting from sin!
Christians, no longer able to go to church
Some are left feeling like they’re in a lurch-
While others, not really concerned with survival
Are actively praying for a sovereign revival!
The fields are ripe and the harvest is ready
Get out your sickle and hold it steady!
Gird up your loins- hold on to your hat
I am truly believing that “this is that”
We are on a wild and most glorious ride
As the Father’s preparing His Son’s spotless bride!!!
Featured Image by specphotops on Unsplash
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