In a time of prayer recently, I had an overwhelming sense that the Lord was about to do a 24-hour turnaround for so many in this season. I believe that many who have felt like they were in a pit will get a sudden breakthrough that will take them from the pit to the palace in a moment!
There was a specific breakthrough my wife and I were praying about a little over a month ago and the Lord kept impressing upon my heart that the delay we were experiencing had a purpose. We got a phone call concerning that particular situation and the delay we had felt stuck in suddenly became a huge blessing. The delay was instantly broken and the Lord turned it around for our good! This is about to happen for so many in this season. Look for those delays you have been experiencing to suddenly be broken and for the purpose of the delay to be revealed as a blessing for you.
Your pit to palace moment is coming, my friend! Just like Joseph experienced betrayal and delay in the pit on his journey toward his destiny, you will soon be elevated from that pit into the palace. Your pit to palace turnaround may come to you as a God-idea, a strategic prophetic word, a word from God spoken straight to your heart, or simply a sudden answer to the prayers you’ve been praying season after season. Many sons and daughters of God will soon step into their Kairos moment where God changes and turns everything in the blink of an eye.
Our God is the God of miracles, suddenly moments and breakthroughs. Expect your pit to palace moment to come for you! In order to step into the elevation and blessing the Lord has for you, make sure you are properly positioned for His favor to suddenly come upon your life. Those who are in a covenant relationship with God will soon see the Lord show Himself faithful to them in miraculous and unexpected ways. The Lord shows Himself faithful to the faithful so get positioned, my friends!
Joseph’s covenant relationship with God is ultimately what took him from the pit to the palace, twice! You may find yourself in what seems to be the worst-case scenario right now but just keep standing and contending with your faith and trust fully set on the Lord. Your cup may seem empty right now but it is about to run over and overflow. Your situation may seem hopeless right now but God is about to turn it all around. Your prayers may look unanswered or unheard right now but God is about to suddenly break through for you!
There have been many times in my walk with God where I felt as if I would be stuck in the pit or the prison of delay forever. But every single time, God has shown Himself strong on my behalf and taken me from the pit to the palace over and over again. The Lord is more invested in your destiny than you are, He will get you where He has planned for you to go. Each time I could not see a way, God made a way and he will do the same for you! In this season, eagerly expect for your turnaround, pit to palace moment to come to you suddenly!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joe Joe Dawson
Featured Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay
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