A Pick and Choose Approach

A pick-and-choose approach to Scripture is not only foolish, it’s dangerous.

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Last night, I had a disturbing dream. In the dream, I was speaking to a married couple and mentioned the beauty of the Old Testament. The women welled up in tearful anger and shouted, “It’s judgment!” I was shocked at the woman’s response and then the dream ended.

Recently, I read a report that the Old Testament is no longer being preached in some parts of the Church. The bloodshed and killing are just too much for some to process. Those who neglect the Old Testament fail to understand the reasons for that kind of harshness at that time and forget that Jesus quoted portions of the Old Testament with regularity to explain His mission.

We now live in a very different covenant. Jesus has fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies about His life, but to neglect its expansive and historic truth is to leave us sorely uninformed about Jesus, the nature of God, and His creation. 

A pick-and-choose approach to Scripture is not only foolish, it’s dangerous. It will lead us to pick and choose what we want to hear and believe about God and His truth. It will also leave us uninformed and vulnerable to some of the errors and misunderstandings that are currently being presented within the Church.

Purchase Garris’s book Prayers from the Throne of God here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Garris Elkins

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About the Author

Garris Elkins is a Kingdom Winds Contributor. He and his wife, Jan, serve the global Church through writing, speaking, and mentoring. They live in southern Oregon, tucked away in the foothills of the Rogue Valley. Their shared desire is to have each person learn how to hear the heart of God and become a transforming voice in their culture.

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