A Miraculous Intervention

As I cried in the hotel room that night, a small spark of hope emerged.

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I was driving on the part of a freeway close enough to the ocean that you could see it in the distance. I drove my beat-up car that leaked inside when it rained. It held all of my belongings in the back, stuffed into big black trash bags because I didn’t even have a suitcase.

I didn’t have anywhere to sleep that night. I remember thinking no one would really notice or care if I was gone.

A variety of circumstances that hadn’t gone my way piled up into a hopeless heap in my mind. I felt like I no longer had any options other than to end the suffering and pain I had endured for many years. I was homeless at the time, I couldn’t hold a job long enough to support myself very well, many of my relationships were strained, and the list goes on.

I was in a very desperate, hopeless place, and quite honestly, I wanted to die.

As these thoughts raced through my mind, my phone rang. God had miraculously intervened at the perfect time. On the phone was a friend who said that God had told him to get me a hotel room for the night. He told me the location, and as I pulled off the freeway in search of the hotel, I knew deep down that God had literally just saved my life.

As I cried in the hotel room that night, a small spark of hope emerged. If God could intervene so powerfully in a situation like this, then maybe He could intervene powerfully in other areas of my life that seemed hopeless. I finally went to sleep, thankful I was still alive and hopeful for what the next days would bring.

Proverbs 16:9 ESV says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” I had a plan of my own the night I wanted to take my life, but God had a different one. His plan was one that protected me from harm, took care of my immediate needs, and also helped me realize His deep love for me. I never had in my life experienced God intervening in such a dramatic way leading up to that night, and I haven’t since. I know one thing for sure, we can make plans of our own, but God can override them at any time. I also know He has plans to prosper us, give us hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV reads, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Friend, are there any plans you have made that haven’t gone your way? Are you able to look back on any of those times and recognize God’s sovereign hand at work, overriding your plans so He could protect you or coordinate something better? Know that God always has your best interest at heart, He deeply loves you, and He has good plans for your life.

Heavenly Father, thank You for establishing my steps, and for the times You have over-ridden my plans in order to protect or bless me. Thank You for having my best interests at heart, for deeply loving me, and for planning good things for my life. I invite You today to intervene powerfully in my life, especially when I make plans that might not be the best for me. Direct my steps today.

In Jesus’s Name, Amen.


Featured Image by ming dai from Pixabay

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About the Author

Brandie Muncaster is a wife and mother who possesses a passion for God’s Word, praying for people, and seeing God transform people’s lives through inner healing. As someone who has known the powerful transforming work of God in her own life, it is her passion to see others experience the same! Brandie and her husband have been married for over a decade, and they have three young children. Their most favorite past times are playing sports, and spending time outdoors either at the beach or in the mountains. The Muncaster family happily resides in the Charlotte, NC area.

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