Several years ago, while I was spending time with the Holy Spirit and reading the Word of God when all of the sudden, the atmosphere around me began to fill with a Manifestation of God’s Glory and Power.
As this happened to me, I thought to myself, “This is what I have been pressing in for this whole time. To not only feel His Presence but also to see His Glory like Moses did.”
What happened next surprised me and changed my perspective about God and what His desire really was for every single Son and Daughter! As the Glory rolled into the room, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “DANIEL, DON’T STOP THERE! ENTER IN!”
At first, I didn’t understand what He was saying because I thought that I had already arrived at the place where I was supposed to be and wanted to go. So I said, “Lord, what do you mean?” And the Holy Spirit said to me, “Come Through the Glory, Past the Veil, and Into the Place of Divine Encounter with Me!”
As I heard this, Scripture began to flood my mind and my Heart like an Explosion, and I realized at that moment that the Glory wasn’t the ultimate destination. His Glory was just the Invitation from God for a Supernatural Encounter with Him.
“In the year that King Uzziah died, [in a vision] I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and THE SKIRTS OF HIS TRAIN FILLED THE [most holy part of the] TEMPLE.” Isaiah 6:1
What Isaiah saw in this verse above was like God’s Clothes filling up the Temple Sanctuary, and while His Glory is a Powerful thing by itself, it is only evidence that He’s actually there, but it isn’t actually Him as a Person. What Isaiah saw filling the Temple was His Train, which is much like the back of a wedding dress in the Spirit realm, but it isn’t actually Him. It wasn’t until Isaiah entered in, a little bit farther, that He encountered the Lord in the way that God wanted Him to and Isaiah experienced a real tangible transformation in his personal life.
“Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone and ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; FOR MY EYES HAVE SEEN THE KING, THE LORD OF HOSTS! Then flew one of the seraphim [heavenly beings] to me, having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with tongs from off the altar; AND WITH IT HE TOUCHED MY MOUTH AND SAID, BEHOLD, THIS HAS TOUCHED YOUR LIPS; YOUR INIQUITY AND GUILT ARE TAKEN AWAY, AND YOUR SIN IS COMPLETELY ATONE FOR AND FORGIVEN.” Isaiah 6:5-7
The Glory wasn’t the end of the equation for Isaiah, and it isn’t supposed to be that way for you and I either. The Train of His Glory may be an incredible experience, but it doesn’t actually bring Transformation to our lives. Only Encountering the Lord and Who He is can really bring A Tangible Transformation to your life!
The next time you see or experience God’s Glory, DON’T STOP THERE! While it’s tempting to just hang out around Jesus’s Clothes, it’s no substitute for Genuine Encounter and Supernatural Transformation from God’s Presence!
On my wedding night, I didn’t grab my wife’s wedding gown and just love and adore Her wedding dress, but I pursued her as a person on the other side of the veil she was wearing. It’s time we stopped only pursuing the signs of God’s Presence and Power. As we start pursuing Him as a Person, we will be changed from Glory to Glory In Him the Way our souls are really desiring!
Featured Image by marialaura87 from Pixabay
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