Removing The Grave Clothes

If there are things that you feel are restricting your abilities to function in Christ, then maybe you need a fresh encounter with the same Spirit Who raised Christ Jesus from the Dead!

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Recently I had an impression of a person wrapped all around in what looked like bandages from their head to their toes. My mind instantly went to Lazarus and the grave clothes which (once he was raised from the dead) were removed from him. An interesting thing to note is that Jesus told those around Lazarus to remove those entanglements from him and Jesus didn’t do it Himself. 

“When He had said this, He shouted with a loud voice, Lazarus, come out! And out walked the man who had been dead, his hands and feet wrapped in burial cloths (linen strips), and with a [burial] napkin bound around his face. JESUS SAID TO THEM, FREE HIM OF THE BURIAL WRAPPINGS AND LET HIM GO.” John 11:43-44

When we are dealing with the physical problems and issues that we face each day, they are almost as restrictive at times as the bandages from the grave clothes that were wrapped around Lazarus. Sometimes these Graves Clothes inhibit our ability to function, walk or operate in the supernatural realms at all, so in order for us to function in the Spirit realm the way that we are supposed to we have to remove them from our lives.

“SHAKE YOURSELF FROM THE DUST; arise, sit [erect in a dignified place], O Jerusalem; LOOSE YOURSELF FROM THE BONDS OF YOUR NECK, O captive Daughter of Zion.” Isaiah 52:2

So when we encounter the Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit, He will cause us to remove those entanglements in the Spirit realm that the demonic realm has attempted to tangle us up in, so that we will be fully functional for God’s purposes. 

We, as the Body of Christ, desperately need the Power of Resurrection Life flowing through us so that we can maintain our ability to be free in Christ and operate without the restrictions from the things attempting to bind us up and keep us down.

If there are things that you feel are restricting your abilities to function in Christ, then maybe you need a fresh encounter with the “Same Spirit Who raised Christ Jesus from the Dead!” 

“And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also RESTORE TO LIFE YOUR MORTAL (short-lived, perishable) BODIES THROUGH HIS SPIRIT WHO DWELLS IN YOU.” Romans 8:11

Whether that comes through a personal encounter with Him or having those around you praying for you (removing those entanglements for you like those around Lazarus did with the grave clothes), either way, we need to operate from a place of unrestricted access by the Spirit anytime He desires us to move in obedience to His plans. 

“So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.” John 8:36

From this place of liberty we get to, not only see the kingdom in operation, but we get to experience it firsthand as God’s will plays out in our personal lives in front of our eyes! STRIP OFF THOSE GRAVE CLOTHES!!!




Featured Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni from Pixabay

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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