Recently the Holy Spirit came to me in a dream first and an impression after I Awakened. In both instances the topics were warfare, but not in the sense that most people would think.
This warfare wasn’t a conventional warfare, but a Spiritual Opposition of Epic proportions. A Praising and Worshipping Individual is a Victorious Individual!
The understanding of this war which we’re currently in is of absolute paramount importance, because if we don’t understand the nature of the war, then we won’t comprehend the nature of the battlefields or the weapons either.
“For though we walk (live) in the flesh, WE ARE NOT CARRYING ON OUR WARFARE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH AND USING MERE HUMAN WEAPONS. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
In this war, one of the things that the enemy tries to do is to get us to wrestle with the natural things that happen and the natural people that they happen through. If he can distract our focus then he can continue to work in the background unimpeded by our ignorance, but if we observe what he’s attempting to do, then he won’t do it.
For some reason, we seem to forget that the WEAPONS GOD HAS GIVEN US ARE NOT CARNAL, which means that they’re not of this world’s natural mechanisms and neither are the enemy’s attacks. Waging our war against each other in the natural realm is to fight in the wrong realm, on the wrong battlefield, and with the wrong weapons, it is ultimately self-defeating!
This morning I heard the phrase “IT’S TIME TO UNLEASH POWERFUL PRAISE AND WARFARE WORSHIP INTO YOUR ATMOSPHERES!” As I heard this the Holy Spirit declared, “These are your weapons of war, not just to stop what the enemy is attempting to do to you, but also to expose what He’s doing and how he’s attempting to do it.”
These weapons are Spiritual Weapons and they Operate upon the battlefields of your mind and your soul, for the enemy is not just trying to conquer the natural world around you, but it’s also the minds and the hearts of all of humanity!
Praise Covers your Gates (Ears and Eyes) With the Oversight of the Holy Spirit:
“Enter into HIS GATES with thanksgiving and a thank offering and into HIS COURTS WITH PRAISE! Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name!” Psalms 100:4
While Praise covers your gates, Worship engages your heart with the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and your Heavenly Father bringing you in underneath the Shadow of His Wings!
“How precious is Your steadfast love, O God! The children of men TAKE REFUGE AND PUT THEIR TRUST UNDER THE SHADOW OF YOUR WINGS” Psalms 36:7
If we want to effectively fight in this war that we’re in, the battlefields must change to match the warfare that we’re engaged in. While we are experiencing a lot of things in the natural realm right now, the battlefields haven’t changed in the Spirit realm. The enemy may be using other people against you, but he is still the one pulling the strings behind the scenes!
Don’t lose sight of where the real war is or where the real battle lies! THE ONLY FLESH AND BLOOD THAT I WANT TO WRESTLE WITH IS THE ONE I LIVE INSIDE OF, all others are just being manipulated by the enemy, and most of them don’t yet realize it.
Release Powerful Praise over your gates this morning, and Begin to go to War with Worship for the Lord, and watch as all the attacks you were under disappear and the Presence of God manifests in their place!
Featured Image by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
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