The ultimate test of our spirituality is the measure of our amazement at the grace of God. ~ Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Grace – unmerited favor – receiving something I didn’t deserve.
When I was weak in my sin, grace valued me more than lilies and a bird.
Through many worries…through many doubts, grace found me in my wavering and time and again pulled me up and out.
Grace is waking up each morning to another day. It’s what I embrace as I choose to walk the narrow way.
Do I experience temptations? Do I sometimes fall again? Yes, but it’s the goodness of God that empowers me.. to not make a habit of sin.
He doesn’t want evil for me. His “no” is not punitive in the least. He invites me to His Kingdom table and invites my soul to feast.
I at times decide to snack on lesser delights, which leave me feeling high and dry. Yet His grace still shines its beacon light because it knows the depths of my “why.”
It searches my heart and as a lighthouse for the prone to wander, it beckons her to return home. Grace is an invitation to never be cast out or hated for my wrongs.
Grace reveals the gold, as it burns away the dross.
Grace is found in Father’s discipline, though it hurts, there’s so much gain…not loss.
Grace is the eyes through which He looks at me.
Graced is my rebirth, born again identity.
There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, His grace covers all.
I forget what is behind and I press on toward the upward call.
When we are weak, He is strong.
Grace empowers all.
Featured Image by Aleksandar Kyng
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