S P L I N T E R E D System

A splinter had wedged itself into his toe. It hurt on its way out, but on the other side of pain…healing and regrowth.

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Judah, my son was “mowing” the lawn barefoot this morning when the eventful happened.

A splinter.

At first, he tried to walk on it and ignore it after the initial piercing pain. The more he walked, however, the deeper it went—wedged into his 3-year-old foot. He couldn’t ignore it any longer.

“Mommy, wipe it away.”

Upon taking a closer look I knew that wiping would not do the trick. It was deep. I’d have to perform minor surgery on my son.

Peroxide. Check!

Needle. Check!

Tweezers. Check!

I was set.

Judah? Not so much.

“It’s going to hurt!?!?”

“Yes, Judah. It will, but after I get it out it will feel better.”

He resisted. He wailed. He pulled his toe away, begging me to take it out without pain.

Impossible, try as I did to numb it with ice…he was bound to feel some pain. It would hurt on it’s way out as it hurt on its way in, but oh the relief when it’s removed.

After plucking away at his skin with a needle, exposing more and more of the tiny splinter, he flinched less and less.

Painful progress.

He was finally willing to succumb to the needle in his mother’s hand, trusting that though it hurt…nothing would compare to the pain of trying to ignore the splinter wedging deeper and deeper into his skin with each new step.

I dug until I saw the entire thing laying in a bed of flesh it forcefully etched for itself.

Now for the last instrument. With surgical precision, I tweezed it out.

Healing blood rushed to the area. It oozed a bit. Did he complain about the pain any longer?


It felt better. The look of relief on his face.

It was now time to heal, and that process was so much more inviting to him than ignoring what was real.

A splinter.

A splinter had wedged itself into his toe. It hurt on its way out, but on the other side of pain…healing and regrowth.




With no obstruction in the way.



The splinter just could not stay.

Lord, our Great Surgeon, bring healing and regrowth after the pain.

The splinter is exposed.

We invited Your needle to expose what was plain:

A splinter’s been wedged deep into the system; it’s been so hard for some to see.

Not hard for those who felt the piercing pain as they tried limping past cruel history.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch!

Oh, how they’ve wanted it out.

But for so very long they’ve lived with it, and muffled became their shout.

Now, society succumbs to Your exposing needle.

Something had to give.

We want this splinter in our system out.

We have a right to live!

You say a little yeast…That’s all it takes in bread.

A little yeast of injustice is all that’s needed for some to end…

suffocated, chased…

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

That splinter must come out.

Thank you friends for taking a close look and not ignoring the painful shout.

It may have seemed small, but it’s caused so much heartache and pain.

We’re willing to go through Your surgery, Lord, believing that this time things will change.

A splinter’s been wedged into the system’s toe.

It’s hurting on its way out, but it’s still got to go.

Let Your exposing needle come if this is the only route.

Expose it for what it truly is, so You can tweeze that splinter out.



Featured image by Omar Lopez

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About the Author

I am a Kingdom creative who loves to inspire others with my poetic prose from the heart. The pulse of each poem comes from a deep place as I journey to know and commune with Father's Heart for me and for others from glory to glory...more and more.

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