Manufacturing Catastrophe: Hurricane Helene

Many civilians inspired to participate in rescue efforts have taken to social media to express frustration, anger, and grief with the government’s overall failure to act.

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OPINION – Ask any Conservative—they’re apt to agree that the Democratic Party, now deeply infiltrated by corrupt and treasonous actors, won’t go down without a fight.

Moreover, we’re not dealing with a group that exactly respects rules, laws, and moral code, or some might say, doesn’t come without a price.

As a real-life Olivia Pope-type “political fixer” tells me, a whopping ~80 percent of D.C. can be bought; it’s just a matter of putting the right figure (or information) on the table.

A loaded track record of the Deep State-controlled Democratic arm suggests there’s no breach, crime, or atrocity the tyrannical party won’t commit to get their way and maintain power.

This is especially true when there are kickbacks, blackmail, or blood money on the line in their oiled Tin Man orchestra of puppets and heartless henchmen, which often seems to be the case.

Exhibit A: Hurricane Helene.

Follow the money down the rabbit hole…


A is for Authoritarianism, B is for BlackRock

Globalist Goliath BlackRock has long been ensnared in dirty work for Deep State aims, with CEO Larry Fink a likely member of the elite cabal that seeks to create a single-government communist totalitarian world by 2030.

To give you a taste of their power, BlackRock holds an estimated $10 trillion in assets and has an invisible hand in all your favorite mainstream media and tech companies (e.g., Apple, Amazon, CBS, CNN, CrowdStrike, Disney, Fox, Google, Microsoft, and even “Mickey D’s”).

If you recall, CNN just so happened to be live on the scene during the botched assassination attempt of President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, just one day after a BlackRock-affiliated firm shorted $12 million in shares of Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Not to mention the shooter Thomas Crooks had recently been featured in a BlackRock commercial, and the suspicious CrowdStrike outage on the heels of J13 that seemed more like an incriminating evidence purge than a benign flub.


Lithium is the new gold

What’s BlackRock up to this time? Well, they allegedly got their paws on a $90 million contract with the Department of Defense to mine lithium through their partially-owned company Albemarle Corporation in the most stunningly devastated region of Hurricane Helene’s wrath—the greater Asheville, North Carolina area.

Similar to the wake of the devastating and unnatural Maui, Hawaii wildfires, the conspiracy here is that the government is intentionally decimating any land that proves useful to them. In this case, the lithium-rich area of the Tin-Spodumene Belt offers a lucrative means to achieve electric vehicle targets, with lithium being a key component in the batteries.

The “destroy and plunder” tactic makes land theft a more frictionless process: residents will either evacuate or die, property can be bought up or seized, and voilà! The government has unlocked a gold mine in the lithium battery production market.

Allegedly, Kings Mountain, North Carolina residents have been embroiled in conflict with the government as they’ve repeatedly battled the reopening of a local lithium mine.


It’s also worth noting that the same area produces the world’s largest source of high-purity quartz used to create semiconductor chips for artificial intelligence.

How ironic that this valuable region would be struck the hardest by Hurricane Helene.

It’s especially peculiar when you consider that hurricanes do not typically strengthen after making landfall. Rather, they rarely hit inland mountainous areas with much severity because they draw water and power from the ocean. So how exactly did such a devastating flood—the likes of Hurricane Katrina in coastal New Orleans—decimate the Appalachians of North Carolina?

Enter: weather modification.


Geo-engineering is not a dirty word


“Conspiracy theory!” they cry. Believe it or not, geoengineering and weather modification technology have existed for decades.

One X user claims, “I know it’s real. My uncle was 25 years in the Air Force, and 20 at NASA, he said they do have a way to manipulate weather.”

A US patent for cloud seeding tech

Another writes, “Weather modification is real. It was used in Vietnam and is used on a regular basis where I live. It’s not a secret in Utah.

A Utah government website confirms that cloud seeding is performed between November and April to produce more snow, and therefore water in the summer.”

The U.S. government and modern-day propaganda authority The New York Times have both even admitted that cloud seeding tech was used as a military tactic (Project Popeye, conducted by the Air Force) in the Vietnam War to disrupt transit by softening roads and causing landslides.

A 1972 NYT article writes that the government had been experimenting with rainmaking tech for years:

“WASHINGTON, July 2—The United States has been secretly seeding clouds over North Vietnam, Laos and South Vietnam to increase and control the rainfall for military purposes.

Government sources, both civilian and military, said during an extensive series of interviews that the Air Force cloud seeding program has been aimed most recently at hindering movement of North Vietnamese troops and equipment and suppressing enemy anti-aircraft missile fire.

The disclosure confirmed growing speculation in Congressional and scientific circles about the use of weather modification in Southeast Asia. Despite years of experiments with rainmaking in the United States and elsewhere, scientists are not sure they understand its long‐term effect on the ecology of a region.”

Flood watch: The downfall of cloud seeding

Weather modification is openly used in modern Dubai. According to a local news channel, the UAE government has invested more than $20 million into cloud seeding technology, of which they perform roughly 1,000 hours per year.

As soon as there’s a natural cloud formation, aircraft can “seed” the cloud with a rain-enhancing salt substance that increases the size of droplets and facilitates rainfall.

The tech was adopted to combat oppressive heat but has also caused disastrous flooding in practice.


#dubai #cloudseeding #fyp #pourtoi #parati

♬ original sound – eVe

Winds of tech

Technology to steer hurricanes has also been in the works for some time, with a 2007 Telegraph article citing scientists’ progress:

How to halt a hurricane: Click to enlarge

The US National Science Foundation tells us:

The Hybrid WRF Cyclone Model, HWCM, allows scientists to create an idealized storm (prescribing storm characteristics such as size and intensity), precisely place that storm where they want it, and then steer the storm toward land, giving them a much greater degree of control over how and where the simulated hurricane makes landfall.”



Weaponized weather

The X user who broke this story, @In2ThinAir, provided context to Hurricane Helene’s suspicious inland strength by sharing a NEXRAD Doppler radar that depicts mysterious beams being “shot” into the storm.



The independent researcher writes:

Any tech you hear about today, add about 20-50 YEARS onto that and that’s what they really have to play with.

The reason I keep showing this video of the NEXRAD radar beams is because we literally see where landfall is hours before anyone else knew and we were right on!

We SEE what they are doing to Hurricane Helene as it approaches Florida AND what they do to it after when it turned WEST and just sat on western North Carolina and in turn Asheville…”


The above clip from a CBS broadcast citing storm-creation laser tech, combined with the radar footage, seems awfully like a smoking gun for potential human interference in Helene’s decimation, generating the unprecedented and astronomical water supply needed to drown a mountain town.

To make matters worse, TikTok users report the government-censored platform is deleting content and banning users who post about weather modification. As we learned from Mark Zuckerberg’s admission that the government strong-armed Facebook/Meta into censoring COVID content, our administration is keen on censorship when they have something to hide or a narrative to protect.


The source of Hurricane Helene’s wrath

Remember that video of Dubai? It’s strikingly reminiscent of the catastrophic, frankly unnatural flooding of Asheville, seen in the below footage:

According to the Post and Courier, “more than 40 trillion gallons of rain fell on the Southeastern United States—enough water to create a lake 3.5 feet deep and the size of North Carolina.” Helene’s financial toll is estimated to exceed $160 billion, “making it one of the costliest storms in U.S. history.”

An NC law enforcement officer and friend of X user John Rich allegedly reports that Asheville’s destruction far exceeds the trivializing death toll of 200 touted by mainstream media outlets:

Already used over 500 body bags, and there are bodies in trees, mud, cars, houses, everywhere… No Fed support whatsoever.”

“America Last” aid disbursement

Just before the storm hit, the Biden-Harris administration authorized the following foreign military aid payments: $5.5 billion to Ukraine, $8.7 billion to Israel, and $567 million to Taiwan.

By comparison, what have American victims of Hurricane Helene been offered? A measly $750 emergency assistance payment each. To make matters worse, impacted citizens have reported being denied their $750 check.

Additionally, the Georgia National Guard, which would be of great assistance in a catastrophe such as now, was deployed late September to Ukraine, along with the necessary materials to rebuild the war-torn country’s damaged power grids. Because of this, restoration efforts in the US will be challenging and delayed—we are simply lacking the supplies.


FEMA funding reallocated

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is meant to serve as a disaster relief aid for natural events, “including any hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, or drought, or, regardless of cause, fire, flood, or explosion, that the President believes has caused damage of such severity that it is beyond the combined capabilities of state and local governments to respond.”

The New York Post reported on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ press conference announcement Wednesday that FEMA has run out of money.

Mayorkas ruthlessly dropped the bomb that there are zero resources left for Hurricane Helene relief or the subsequent storms this season. This statement falls on the heels of FEMA doling out $1.8 billion to aid and abet the illegal migrant crisis since 2022.

Moreover, much of this migrant spending could hardly qualify as dire severity. For instance, FEMA provided $20 million to open an immigrant welcome center in San Diego.

FEMA’s resource pool should undoubtedly be considered a reserve for unforeseen natural events, as their own website advises, but the agency instead allocated an astronomical portion of funds to address the Border Czar Kamala Harris’ gross administrative failure.

A perfect storm, isn’t it?

Seeing green: Incentivized inaction

FEMA’s role in the devastation of Hurricane Helene goes well beyond their fiscal failures and is multiplied by their inability to act. Civilians with boots on the ground have reported donated materials being tossed away, as well as the agency’s refusal to deploy the extent of their resources.

Many civilians inspired to participate in rescue efforts have taken to social media to express frustration, anger, and grief with the government’s overall failure to act, as compiled in the below video:


To those familiar with the inner workings of disaster relief agencies (the likes of FEMA and the Red Cross), incentivized inaction in the tune of kickbacks is a known reality. X user @RyanTyre writes:

I’ve been doing disaster relief and search and rescue for a decade, and I’ll tell you, something about all of this smells more off than normal.

Usually FEMA and the Red Cross and the federal government just sit on their hands and slow roll recovery efforts playing games with the money to make sure that their contractor friends and themselves get the kickbacks from the money that is released under the declaration of disaster—but NEVER have I EVER seen the local authorities turn down outside civilian help.”

In the same post, he mentions a common grievance surrounding Helene efforts:

I know of two people who went in, one that has been threatened with arrest and another that was actually arrested.”

The government’s excuse for arresting those who dare to intervene in the crisis is that civilian help hinders the response of state and federal recovery teams. However, this is only valid if the recovery teams are actually doing the work.

Overwhelming civilian reports state that government resources are not being deployed, empty helicopters are sitting on the ground, and survivors are being left to wash away in the floods, starve, and die. The stench of death has been cited in numerous accounts, as bodies are being left to rot.


Government interference in civilian rescue efforts

FEMA and the National Guard, by many reports, are sending civilians with time and resources away, and even going as far as to arrest those who attempt to rescue their fellow Americans devastated by the storm.

TikTok user @no_mans_peace says in a video:

The government is currently trying to arrest people who are delivering supplies via helicopter.

They are threatening to arrest those people. They are threatening to arrest people who are trying to f*cking help people survive. My aunt is 70 years old with mobility issues. Anyone know what the government’s f*cking doing? Jack sh*t…

There are entire towns that there is no way in or out. Those roads are not drivable because of the mudslides and the power lines and the downed trees. There are doctors right now physically walking across that because their cars can’t get through to go help these people, to go check on these people.

There is no power, there is no water, they have no supplies, and the government is currently trying to arrest people who are delivering supplies via helicopter.”


Something to hide?

To add to our increasing suspicions, Federal Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg shut down flights into Western North Carolina Wednesday, meaning that nobody, unless approved by the state or FEMA, can conduct rescue missions or fly in aid and supplies.

This is a devastating blow for survivors, considering boots-on-the-ground accounts have asserted civilian helicopters recently made up the majority of air rescue efforts.

It was reported on X that at least six pilots from Virginia were prevented from getting their aid shipments into Asheville Regional Airport. Allegedly, private helicopter pilots are being threatened with arrest, and drones are banned from flying over hurricane areas, preventing civilian volunteers from seeing what’s going on and locating victims in need.


A multi-pronged outcome


Land and asset seizure

By totally decimating Asheville and the surrounding area, the region can be labeled a disaster zone. Thus, the Government is able to swoop in and seize the lithium- and quartz-rich land—rather objectively, the tyrants seem to adore any means of funding.

This isn’t merely a theory—multiple reports from a Chimney Rock, NC town hall meeting state that residents have been told they no longer own their property and to vacate immediately. Allegedly, they’ve been warned that if they re-enter the disaster scene, they will be arrested. Bodies are said to be left uncollected, recovery efforts halted, and residents are struggling without food, water, and rising crime.

A chilling report from a Peak Prosperity member was shared on X by user @chrismartenson:

Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.

Something evil is going on in the NC mountains. I just didn’t want to be identified. Just today we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies. All the stores round are empty or locked. In Chandler NC 2000 people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help. I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop but people are dying by the minute. Multiple tuckers have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back. Something weird is going on here in NC.

People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command. They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed but more than anything the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap. The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down. Every fucking Apache we have should be flying rescue missions.”


Increased power and regulation

Each and every catastrophe lends the ability for government to increase its dominance for future encroachments by leveraging emergency ordinances. For instance, by setting dangerous precedents that civilians can no longer conduct private rescue missions for their fellow man or that land impacted by natural disaster can be seized by government.


Replacement theory progress

Natural disaster or geo-engineered genocide?

For those with eyes ready to see it, there is a coordinated and concerted effort puppeteered by our current administration to replace America’s population with the new migrant class.

This isn’t merely a US agenda—it’s from the Global Cabal’s playbook, being carried out in Western nations across the globe, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, and Canada.

Depopulation of the native populace has been a blatant goal since Western leaders so brazenly pushed a COVID-19 vaccine regime that has now been proven to cause a myriad of serious and sometimes deadly adverse effects like myocarditis, strokes, seizures, and cancers that rapidly progress.

Perhaps that’s why multiple speculated cabal members have accidentally or intentionally (e.g., Bill Gates) spouted the importance of depopulation.


The key takeaway

As a final reminder, and to summarize:


The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Tara is an author, writer, artist, filmmaker, podcaster, and a Kingdom Winds Featured Collective Member. Her work can also be found on YouTube, Rumble, and Substack under Tara4America. She offers empowered insights from the people, for the people, in an age when nothing is what it seems, and the truth is hidden.