Morning Prayer
Help me to seek You first.
Help me to seek You first.
To prepare them for the Lord’s divine purpose for their lives, we must instill in our children a deep, unwavering love for God and His Word.
When we can see what we’ve been through and can appreciate the courage we’ve displayed.
Trying to get along with our mates without the necessary information is like building a house without the architectural diagrams.
Not only is the Lord separating the wolves from the sheep in this time of exposure, He is calling His leaders to account.
The globalists seek to erase national sovereignty and move toward centralized, one-world control—a direct precursor to the beast system of Revelation.
If you are struggling with finding some hope, I pray that you will know this: HOPE WILL COME!
When we experience a health crisis, rejection, or any sort of grief, it’s hard to look past the pain to see God’s glory.
In the process of surrendering my life to Christ and being baptized, the Holy Spirit gave me a voice.
Trust Me for Open Doors. This is your Blessed Hope.