God is Breathing His Life Upon you

Dreams are returning, bondages are breaking, bitterness and fear are leaving and hope is once again finding ground.

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The Lord is breathing His breath of Life into you once again in this hour! The things that you felt had died or the things that you thought the enemy had stolen are once again coming back to life.
While I don’t usually reflect upon movies, the Lord brought back to me from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when Asland came back to life and broke the table. We see Him go to the Ice Queen’s lair where He began to breathe upon those who were turned to Ice and as he did they came back to life.
In the same manner, after Jesus died on the cross and He went and preached to those in paradise we see Him leading captivity captive. He breathed life and imparted life once again to those Who believed in Him.
This morning I felt the breath of the Lord blowing upon the lives of those who have had their hope deferred, suffered from broken promises, felt the sting of betrayal, and even those who have prayed and prayed and felt as if they never received answers to their prayers.
The Breath of the Lord is bringing a restoration to those things by His Spirit and many hearts are being thawed by the Fire of the Holy Spirit as many of those issues are coming to the surface. God is drawing out bitter roots, deep wounds of rejection, and healing broken hearts.
As His breath of Life comes upon them, a great transformation is taking place. Dreams are returning, bondages are breaking, bitterness and fear are leaving and hope is once again finding ground ready to be planted in.
For so many have felt as if they were in the place of an unending winter season, God is unveiling the Sun of Righteousness Who is rising with Healing in His Wings. The winter season is over and a newness of Life is coming!
Jesus Christ has come to give you life and that more abundantly. To break every yoke, to bring you righteousness, peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit which is the Kingdom of God.
Those who are not suffering from any of these issues will be the breakers. For the Lord is sending a breaker anointing upon those walking in unity with Him already. This breaker anointing will be used to break the hold of the enemy upon those who are bound.
These Breakers will become the hands, the feet, and even the voice of the Most High to those who need to be set free. Let him who speaks, speak as the Oracles of God! You will be His hands that bring healing, His feet that bring the Gospel of Peace, and His Voice that declares forth their freedom!
Be ready in Season and out of Season, because Divine appointments are on the rise. Expect miracles to follow, expect deliverance to come, and expect the Breath of His Spirit to blow upon the valley of Dry Bones and watch as they come back to Life as a great host Indeed!


Featured Image by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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