Conquer Fear and Anxiety

Whenever my thoughts race out of control, I claim the promises to focus on the truth again.

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A few years after we got married, I asked my husband what he wanted from me as a wife. My precious guy thought for a while, then said, “Happy, healthy, and rested.”

I’ve felt happy but tired. I’ve enjoyed happiness and rest in other seasons but suffered from various ailments. I want to be happy, healthy, and rested every day.

The most difficult of these three for me is to stay. As I practiced taking charge of my thoughts, I learned to see my circumstances more positively. Most of the time now, I feel happy about my life.


Happiness is a Choice

Some say we choose happiness, but I’ve fought to find joy or contentment. Fears and anxieties plagued me, hindering any positive outlook.

I had painful memories that attempted to steal my joy. I desperately needed to overcome harmful thought patterns and negative self-talk.


Controlling Our Thoughts

Whenever my thoughts race out of control, I claim the promises below to focus on the truth again. As we confront our thoughts with God’s Word, we find the power to change our thought patterns.

Do anxieties and fears plague you? Then, follow these steps to reduce your stress.

  • Acknowledge – Identify the fear, face it, and turn it over to God. —2 Timothy 1:7
  • Pray – God is always with you and answers your prayers. —Psalm 118:5-6
  • Surrender – Stop trying to take responsibility for situations beyond your control. —1 Peter 5:7
  • Trust – God knows what He’s doing and is working His plan in your life. —Jeremiah 29:11


Practice Makes Perfect

It seems I get one negative thought pattern corralled when another jumps in to take its place. So, I repeat the process and attack the next set of thoughts, comparing each to the truth of God’s Word.

Continue to practice the steps to reduce or eliminate your fears and anxieties. Over time, it becomes easier for us to catch and control the troublesome thoughts.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joyce Zook

Featured Image by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Joyce Zook is an award-winning author, international speaker, and Board Certified Advanced Christian Life and Marriage Coach. She is a weekly video blogger and the author of 12 Keys for Marriage Success, Priorities for Life, and God and Your Closet. Joyce speaks, teaches, and coaches women to love their lives and their marriages while creating success and balance. In the last twenty years, her ministry has grown with the help of the internet, telephones, and video conferences to reach people across the United States and in foreign countries.

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