Dream Big, Pray Big!
When I was receiving treatment from the hospital four years ago, The LORD took me to His “Spare Parts Shop”!
I saw all sorts of things there, from body organs and parts to material things like cars, houses, and even larger buildings.
The LORD spoke to me very simply, very gently, “You have not because you ask not!”
It was a very gentle rebuke as I’d been feeling a bit sorry for myself, but it woke me up and reminded me of God’s wonderful promises to us.
The one which came to mind was Psalm 50:10 which tells us that The LORD owns “the cattle on a thousand hills!”
So, I asked, and I believe I received, new kidneys to replace my then failing ones! Hallelujah!
However, for a while now, I’ve been praying for things in our lives and ministry, but there’s always been a question mark over much of that which I’m asking of Him.
‘Do I dare ask for that? Am I being too greedy?’ and so on!
Well, this morning I’m hearing a reminder about those cattle on a thousand hills. I’m hearing again, “You have not because you ask not!”
I’m hearing, “Ask little, receive little! Ask much, receive much!”
“That’s not a hint — it’s a command!” says The LORD.
“Dream BIG! Envision BIG! Ask in line with Me, but ask BIG!”
Pray about your needs and be specific!
If asking for a car, be specific — make, model, size, year, etc. — and ask for it!
If asking for a house, pick a specific one out, and ask for it!
If seeking new premises — find them and ask for them!
Ask expectantly, not hesitantly or doubting.
Before anyone complains — this isn’t ‘blab it and grab it’, ‘name it and claim it’, nor any other kind of errant teaching.
Read your bible — it’s all there!
Yes, there are ‘terms and conditions’, but it’s there nevertheless — Praise God!
Don’t Set Your Expectations Too Low!
“Behold, the days are coming,” says The LORD, “when the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; the mountains shall drip with sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it.” Amos 9:13
As I read this, I get pictures of the Vineyard.
I see those planting the seeds being watched by those who tread the grapes.
I see the plowman being watched by the harvesting team.
I see the harvest team working watched by the plowman.
I see those who tend the vine through the growing season watched by those waiting to plant next season’s seed.
God always gives us glimpses of His power before He manifestly demonstrates that power.
Here is a word that gives us a glimpse of the coming days.
Just think of the plowman starting to prepare the field before the reapers have finished reaping! Or the people treading grapes waiting for the seed to be sown — that’s real expectation!
I find that so exciting — I don’t know about you, but that excites me.
Yet The LORD is saying to expect Him to move in just such power that even as we reap, so others will be re-plowing the ground, and even as we sow seeds, others will be waiting impatiently for the harvest to be brought in.
We see glimpses of this daily. They are the appetizers for the coming feast. We see a few coming to Jesus — we shall see hundreds, even thousands.
We see a few healed — we shall see mass healings on a scale never seen before. The days of “greater things” are upon us.
The LORD says, “Don’t set your expectations too low.
Expect little and you will reap little. Expect much and the harvest you reap will be great.
It will exceed all your expectations. Set your Faith on ‘high’, and I will do the rest.”
This is God’s promise for us today.
Featured Image by Jodie Morgan on Unsplash
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