
Our Father’s love is so great, that His very Son He sent.

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Our Father who created us
intended that we live
sinless and free eternally.
Not un-co-operative.

As children of our Father,
we had disobeyed His Word.
At first, through Eve who was deceived,
then Adam afterward.

Our Father’s love is so great that
His very Son He sent
to die for all the sins of man.
Of ours, we should repent.

There is a battle now unseen
above as so below.
Of sin, repent for soon is sent
His wrath, increasing woe.

The time is near and soon to come.
A judgment for our sins.
Repent for yours ’cause if you don’t,
in Satan’s grip, he wins.


Featured Image by Samuel McGarrigle on Unsplash

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About the Author

Kevin Shearer is an American poet, songwriter, and Kingdom Winds Collective Member. His poetry is Holy Spirit inspired and food for the hearts, minds and spirits of all readers. Through his Holy Spirit inspired writings and poems, he endeavors to bring a sense of the eternal and holy peace, love and light which is the birthplace of human consciousness, to the reader. To those desiring a connection with their holy and eternal origins, know that Holy Spirit Inspired writings are, in this earthly life, bits of heavenly manna that will heal, inspire and praise our Creator who made us in His image and likeness. Amen

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