The Portal

Live His Words in all you do, and love each one as He loves you.

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There is a Hand that points the way
from spirit realm to earth
and guides awareness to the egg
from embryo to birth.

Pure consciousness incarnates
in the spirit through a portal
to enter this existence
that’s material and mortal.

There is a portal between heaven
and this life on earth.
We exit through it on our death
and enter through at birth.

Love’s the food of each immortal.
Love’s the fiber of the portal.
Live His Words in all you do
and love each one as He loves you.

When the end of life has come
for every single mortal,
it’s then the journey home begins.
Returning through The Portal.


Featured Image by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Kevin Shearer is an American poet, songwriter, and Kingdom Winds Collective Member. His poetry is Holy Spirit inspired and food for the hearts, minds and spirits of all readers. Through his Holy Spirit inspired writings and poems, he endeavors to bring a sense of the eternal and holy peace, love and light which is the birthplace of human consciousness, to the reader. To those desiring a connection with their holy and eternal origins, know that Holy Spirit Inspired writings are, in this earthly life, bits of heavenly manna that will heal, inspire and praise our Creator who made us in His image and likeness. Amen

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