From Shifting Sands to Transparent Glass

No longer will those things destabilize our foundation, but by the revealed Truth of the Holy Spirit, they will become a testimony.

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Some time ago, the Holy Spirit showed me an impression that I had never seen before. It was like I was looking at the foundation of someone’s life and underneath them was nothing but sand in the Spirit realm.

If you’re a contractor or an architect of any kind, you’ll know that when you build something, it needs to be on a solid and stable surface because if it isn’t, then when uncontrollable circumstances (weather or other unforeseen events) come everything that has been built upon it will come crashing down because of the lack of something solid underneath it.

“So everyone who hears My Words and acts upon them will be like a sensible man who built his house upon the Rock, And the rain fell and the floods came and the wind blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the Rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who BUILT HIS HOUSE UPON THE SAND. And the rain fell and the floods came and the wind blew and beat against that house, and it fell and great and complete was the fall of it.” Matthew 7:24-27

Some of us have found ourselves in a place where we are questioning certain aspects of our personal foundation, and some of those things are the very things that we have believed for years in the past.

We’ve been having the Holy Spirit reveal to our minds and hearts things that are not in agreement or alignment with the Cross, the Blood, and other tenants of the Faith in Jesus Christ that we have held to.

Those things have become like sand on the surface of our foundation, seeking to undermine the whole structure of who God has been designing you to be. (Foundation mentioned in Hebrews 6:1-2)

While I was meditating on this, I saw the Holy Spirit changing the dynamic of those things (Supernaturally in the Spirit realm) and then manifesting it in the Natural realm. For a Fire appeared from Him and that Fire began to Super Heat those things that had been sent to undermine who you really are in Him!

As the Fire did this, the sand upon the foundation began to melt and it became Glass upon the surface of the foundation itself. It was completely solid and transparent. So instead of continuing to be a hindrance, like it was before, it added to the brilliance of what God had already done in you!

There are many things that we go through as believers, doctrines that may not be accurate according to the faith, deceptions that we have bought into through ignorance, and other things that don’t fit into the Truth of the Lord’s purposes in our lives, but as we turn those things over for review, by the Holy Spirit and His Truth comes to expose them to our hearts, He sets us Free and those things become a place of Supernatural transparency in and through our lives.

No longer will those things destabilize our foundation, but by the revealed Truth of the Holy Spirit, they will become a testimony of what the Lord has delivered us from.

The Holy Spirit is the best Teacher in the World, so if there’s anything doctrinally wrong with our foundation, He will correct it and point it out. We may have to walk through a process of what that looks like, but in the end, He will cause it to become a place of transparency in our lives to encourage others from.

Sand is unstable until it’s exposed to the Fire, but once it’s hit by the Fire, it becomes like transparent glass and totally solid. If you’re dealing with some instabilities in your life, things that are keeping you moving about like the shifting Sands, it’s time to turn those things over to the Holy Spirit and watch as He transforms those tests into testimonials upon the foundation of your Faith and your life.


Featured Image by Zichao Zhang on Unsplash

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About the Author

Daniel Pontious is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and passionate about teaching and revealing the Heart of the Father and Drawing people Closer to Him. It is his desire to see every member of the Body of Christ Functioning in their Personal Identity In Him!

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