A Heavy Wind is Coming that Will Blow In a Great Outpouring of Revival

When God comes with this mighty, rushing wind— everything and everyone changes.

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Twenty-five years ago, I went through a personal “dark night of the soul” that I honestly did not know if I would be able to survive. It was the hardest thing that I had ever faced. In 2000 I was beginning to awaken from this darkness to see the light of dawn peeking over the horizon of my life.

At that time, some friends from our church asked me to join them at a conference out of state— they felt that it would be good for my heart. Honestly, I did not want to go but they were very persistent so I agreed to make the trip with them. I had no expectations about this conference since I was mainly going to make my friends who had invited me happy.

We arrived at this conference, which was being held in a massive outdoor tent in Grants Pass, Oregon, just before the first night’s worship was beginning. We were all tired from the long drive from California. We entered the tent and sat in the back row because the place was filled to capacity. As the worship band prepared to begin, everyone stood up. Because I’m very short, I couldn’t see the stage very well but was happy to be in the back row since I was so tired.

Then, as the first strum of the guitar rung out to begin worship, it was as if I was hit with a lightning bolt. I hit the ground as an unseen spiritual force hit my body, soul, and spirit with power that I had never known. Immediately my body began shaking in a way and I was flooded with the tangible presence of God. I had never felt His presence or His power in that way. I was experiencing what I could only describe as shockwaves of His love, presence, and power over and over again.

This went on for quite some time! When I say “quite some time,” what I mean to say is for THIRTY DAYS! Not occasionally for thirty days but 24 hours a day for thirty days. I was experiencing deep healing, awakening, and impartation all at the same time. I could feel His tangible presence in the very cells of my body, as well as in my soul and spirit. As this occurred, I began to fall in love with Him in ways I never dreamed of. Everything became more than I could have ever asked or imagined during those thirty days.

I am sharing this story with you because this unexpected experience came immediately after the darkest time in my life. I didn’t ask for it or look for an “experience”— it just came like a wind from heaven that was sent to revive me to usher me into a new day.

Now, twenty-three years later, many of you have been in a long and dark season where you are just plain weary. You have continued in faith and perseverance, knowing that God is faithful and good. But, you long to see the light of dawn appear.

I have a sense that just like that evening for me back in the year 2000, many of you will be caught by surprise as an outpouring of the Spirit of God comes upon you like a mighty, rushing wind. When it comes, you will be forever changed and revived.

I have never been the same since those thirty days of transformation. Every longing was fulfilled as his presence, love, and power poured into me like rain from heaven. The fruit of that experience is still visible in my life today.

When he comes with this mighty, rushing wind— everything and everyone changes. It becomes immeasurable and truly exceeds anything we could ever imagine or even ask for. His wind blows away the darkness and blows in the clouds that are heavy with rain.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians‬ ‭3:20-21‬ ‭

Let hope arise because just like when Elijah saw the small cloud the size of a man’s hand and announced that an abundance of rain was coming after a long drought, I am experiencing a gentle breeze and feel to announce to you, “A mighty rushing wind is coming!”

1 Kings 18:45 says that “a heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm.” This not only ended the long drought but caused the land to bear fruit once again. I see in my spirit a small cloud appearing amid a world that has been in a spiritual drought. And I feel a cool, refreshing breeze beginning to blow in the heat of a time of great refinement.

I want to say, “A heavy wind is coming that will blow in a great outpouring! I prophesy a mighty, rushing wind is quickly coming that will usher in a heavy rain of the outpouring of the Spirit of God. The drought will end, the grass will appear, the harvest will begin and darkness will flee.”

It is often darkest before the dawn of revival. Take hope and prophecy this great outpouring with me.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Inscribe Ministries

Featured Image by Sven Lachmann from Pixabay


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About the Author

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton understand our culture’s need for encouragement and hope. Through writing and speaking, they escort individuals into awareness of God’s profound compassion and mercy that heals brokenness, and they have a unique ability to help anyone seeking pathways into His kind embrace. For several years, the couple led a house of prayer located in Kelowna, British Columbia.