Many years ago, when I was a stay at home mom raising three little girls, it was safe to say that I was tired, busy, and distracted. At the end of the day when my husband came home, it was game on! You know the game, it’s called “Tag! You’re it!”
Let’s just say that one of us liked to play more than the other.
The problem was that I was drained, but the bigger problem was that my husband was, too. Truthfully, it’s not uncommon for couples to get into the “let me tell you why my job is harder” battle. But really, you’re both entitled to claim hard work, so that battle is very unnecessary.
Those were hard days during our marriage because we were both pouring out into other areas and people so much that we barely had anything left for one another. We were also silly to think that it would all be miraculously better once the girls got bigger. Ha, jokes on us. In married life, the red carpet of time and energy is never rolled out for you.
BUT—that’s okay because we all have brief moments and even those brief moments add up. In fact, any investment you make in your marriage pays back in dividends.
Here are some sure-fire ways to give your marriage the boost that it needs.
5 things you can do to re-connect in your marriage
1. Talk to your spouse.
Greet them when you see each other again after time apart. Ask open-ended questions about their day. Ask them about their highs or lows of the day. Give them a chance to share and vent to you. Let them know you’re interested in hearing from them.
2. Enjoy something pleasurable together
No, not that—but also, yes, that. It’s just not what I’m talking about right now. I’m talking about sitting down and sharing some dessert, playing a quick game, drinking some tea on the porch together, or watching a half-hour comedy. Take small pockets of time and find some fun.
3. Set your mind on them.
You may not have an abundance of time, but you have 10 minutes a day. Take a moment and spend those minutes intentionally thinking about your spouse. What is it you love about them, what are things you want to do in the future with them? Remember what your dreams and goals are as a couple. Thoughts are powerful, make sure you’re using some of them on your spouse.
4. Be sacrificial.
Jesus could have modeled love for us any way he wanted, however, the path God chose was through sacrifice. His sacrifice on the cross is what declared His love for us. The least we can do in our marriage for the one He gave us is to give them our time, our patience, and some extra above and beyond effort by doing something that can make their day, their tasks, their stress a little bit lighter.
5. Be attentive to their needs.
We know you have needs as a spouse too, but what we also know is that your needs are more likely to get met when you’re willing to meet your spouse’s needs. Now, that’s not the reason to pay attention to their needs, it’s just a good byproduct of doing so.
Lean in and ask your spouse if they need anything. Ask them how they’re feeling, if they’re ok or if they have any stressors going on. Everyone wants to be checked in on and cared about.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Expedition Marriage
Featured Image by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
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