3 Prophetic Dreams: A Call for Mentors

God is placing the right people in the right places, even if we don’t expect it.

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Early December I had three prophetic dreams and each one of them served a very important purpose that is near and dear to my heart. The three dreams I had were all very similar. In the first dream, I was on my way to a sophisticated event or gala. I walked in and started exchanging pleasantries with those around me, but I didn’t connect personally with any specific group of people, although everyone was pleased to see me. In the dream, I felt totally welcome and comfortable at the event, but I didn’t feel like I was supposed to connect with a certain group of people standing together. Later, an older gentleman entered the room and I could tell that he was insecure and felt like he didn’t belong there, and people were giving him snobbish and disregarding types of looks. 

The older man walked around the room, had a few hors d’oeuvres, and was heading toward the exit when I approached him. I asked him, “Where are you going, sir?” he responded, “I don’t belong here.” I answered back quickly, “Who told you that you don’t belong here?” He continued saying that he didn’t feel welcomed or wanted at the event. I responded to him, “You do belong here, and you can hang out with me.”  A younger gentleman entered the room as well, and he also seemed very insecure and could not find a group to stand with, although people were semi-nice to him. He repeated the actions of the older man and started for the exit, but I stopped him and exchanged the same conversation as before. This cycle continued to happen with various people until I had amassed a group of people who were amazingly gifted and talented. 

The people standing in other groups were kind people, but they seemed a little stale, unlike the people in our group who were on the cutting edge of what God was doing, The other groups would have been smart to take a new person into their group to give a fresh perspective on their ministries or businesses, but instead, they chose to keep their same mindsets and ideals.  I woke up from this dream and thought “Wow, that was a great dream.” I fell back asleep and had another dream that was very similar, except this time it was at something even better, a beach party.

It was very unique. There were people grilling and there were cool cabanas and the gathering was a little more relaxed compared to the one from the previous dream. I had on a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and no shoes, so I knew that it was a relaxed setting. I once again just exchanged pleasantries with everybody, and just like before an older gentleman arrived at the party. When he walked into the party, you immediately felt the anointing of God on his life, but just like the first dream, he wasn’t welcomed to participate in anything going on like the volleyball game or even the cookout.

He was about to leave and I stopped him and invited him to come have some coffee. When we started to converse with one another, I was blown away by how wise and anointed he was. I’m not sure if other people were insecure about his age or thought he was too old to benefit from what they were doing, but they missed out on a valuable kingdom resource by avoiding him. A younger Hispanic man came later and asked to play volleyball and was denied, so I invited him to join our group, and this once again continued to happen until we had a rather large group. I knew that God was giving me these dreams because it is my wife and my heart to gather anyone and everyone who wants to advance the kingdom of God. 

The third dream took place this time at someone’s home, and the house was very grand and beautiful with a large open floor area. I walked in wearing very casual clothing, a cap of course, and just like the two previous dreams, I conversed with everyone around me. The same plot-line occurred, an older gentleman is not welcomed by the rest, so I invited him to converse with me only to discover that he is a well of knowledge sent from the Lord. In this dream specifically, I felt the holy spirit say, “This man has a strong anointing, and he knows it, but he doesn’t know what to do with it.” 

In this third and final dream, it finally dawned on me the purpose of these dreams: God is looking for mentors, the mothers, and the fathers, to take people into their circle. The amazing thing about these dreams was that at the end of every dream, I ended up with the largest group. Why? Because I accepted the ones that everyone else rejected. In the dreams, the other groups were satisfied and happy, but they weren’t growing. I believe that through these dreams God was trying to show me that our ministries, businesses, and churches are about to grow, but it is going to be through the right people coming into your inner circle. 

Every area of our ministry, businesses, and relationships is growing. There was a time when we loved our smaller church and I loved the small mentoring program that I ran, but the Lord was ready to increase us. Our mentoring program has been running for 20 months, and it has grown 20/20 months, and our church has seen incredible growth and advancement in every area. God is placing the right people in the right places, even if we don’t expect it, to bring an increase and growth to bring forth the kingdom of Heaven. 

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About the Author

Joe Joe is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and a visionary leader who empowers believers to accomplish the call that God has placed inside of them. His heart is to see this nation awakened and for every individual to experience personal revival. God is calling us as believers to a greater depth of intimacy with Him, and Joe's passion is to see that reached.

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