Your Soul Needs (Part 4)

We can re-create our inner world and from there our outer world.

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When Heavenly Father created mankind in His Image, He designed us with power to create.
Power to Create
This has been understood and applied in a limited way regarding intentional artistic creation – such as artisans and creatives. For example, a common limited thought line is that some people are more creative, or some people work in the creative space (marketing, design, graphic art, artisan design, etc.).
Much Bigger than We Knew
It’s much bigger than this.
Father designed us to create our world as He did.
That’s part of being designed in His Image. Creating our world begins in the deep places of our spirit and soul. From there, it frames our choices and words. Those choices and words create the space and atmosphere around us, including our own well-being and that of our family, and outward from there.
By Default
From Adam onward, each person creates from corruption – by default. Corruption includes coming from a foundation and framework based on error and reduced in quality and value.
Thanks be to God for the Last Adam, Christ Jesus our Lord, who paid the highest price to make the way back! Through this, He restored to us the ability to have a choice — away from corruption by default — back to Father in Christ’s incorruptible life (KJV, 1 Corinthians 15:45-54).
What our souls need is re-creation.
We can re-create our inner world and from there our outer world.
How to Re-create the Inner World
The Apostle Paul does speak of those who will not “sleep” (die) and that’s true. What I’m referring to is the incorruptible life of Christ that is available to us now that changes our corruption into His incorruptibility.
This happens through:
1. our belief (faith) and
2. our action to “present our bodies as living sacrifices,”
no longer “conform to this world” [its systems and corrupted desires and standards, etc]
and being “transformed by the renewing of our minds” (Romans 12:1-2).
There’s much in our lives and the world that we’re living with and in, that was created from our (personal, corporate, and generational) “corruption” (i.e., error, reduction in quality and value from Father’s original design).
What Father Thinks
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (KJV, John 3:16).
Father loves the world and He loves the people. He loves the world but not the corruption. He loves His design, His purpose, His signature, and co-creation in it with us.
One Key Way Father Answers These Prayers
It is a paradigm shift, but many situations we cry out to Father to change stem from what we created in our corruption — again, much of it by default.
Yes, for sure, there are many other situations that arise from corrupted creation beyond us that affect us.
Right now, we’re focusing on our own lives, families, and spheres.
Father hears our cries and answers our prayers. One way He answers our prayers is to partner with us to redeem (He’s already provided the way in Christ) what we have created in corruption and walk with us in partnership to re-create.
Redemption to Re-Creation
Here’s one structure that needs to be redeemed so re-creation can happen:
When there is a legitimate injury to another person by us (by omission (the good we didn’t do) or commission (the wrong we did)), it can cause them to be trapped in a prison of unforgiveness. This is separate from political correctness, woke ideology, or distortion of feelings from timely truth spoken in love – or healthy boundaries being enforced. There are legitimate times that we injure other people because we “created” in our own corruption — and that often lands other people (our families included) in an emotional prison, a mental prison, a spiritual prison, or even imprisonment in biology in someplace. It happens in our families and churches and pretty much everywhere.
Note: Parents, spouses, and leaders: As you take this in prayer to Father on behalf of those in your care (your spouse, your children, your flocks), addressing your omissions and commissions to them on the spiritual level first, you will be surprised and delighted to discover so many of your long-standing prayers for them answered quickly. Sometimes, the answer is not immediate in how we perceive immediacy, but progressive. The answer is released and turnaround has begun as soon as you take this to heart. This stance launches and/or accelerates the move back to Father’s design for them (for each of us).
If there is “no one” to pray this for you, pray it with Heavenly Father yourself. You are His beloved child and pray it for those you impacted whether or not you know who it is.
Let the truth that we are created in Your Image, Father, and are creating in corruption by default, cause us to embrace You anew and morning and evening prayer, too. . . . that we may walk in Your ways all our days.
With Christ, each day is the opportunity for a new beginning – the newness and expansion of the new creation He offers us in His incorruptible life.
Prayer Response
Father, thank You for the massive gift You gave me when You created me in Your Image – the power to create. Father, I recognize that I have “created” much in my own life, my family, and in the world and with other people who were in corruption and were not in Christ.
I ask Your forgiveness, and forgiveness for injuring myself and other people by my default position of creating in corruption, and by my lack of knowing and living in the incorruptible life of Christ my Lord. I ask that You would cleanse and heal those I injured – and bring these sins under the blood of Christ, both mine and those I caused, that these sins are forgiven and the debts released.
I ask that Christ would open every prison or captive door I caused anyone to be in, remove the chains, send angels to help them out and retrieve their God-given items, translate them from darkness to light, and establish them with Him (as Savior and/or Lord) in the heavenly places and cause their soul to heal and grow as the angels minister to them.
I ask that You would remove them from every building or planting I created in them that was in corruption and not in Your design. I ask for You to rescue them from the domain of darkness and transfer them to the kingdom of His beloved Son where You build and plant them according to Your eternal and holy intent, design, purpose and records (ref., NASB, Colossians 1:13).
Father, I dedicate the power You’ve given me to create to You. I ask for its re-creation in the incorruptibility of Christ and entrust it to Christ to teach me to create as You do – in love and goodness and truth in and through Christ in His mighty name, amen.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Hope Streams

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The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.
Stephen + Crystal Wade

About the Author

Crystal Wade writes to throw out a lifeline of hope for people to receive connectivity to trust the Father and be internally aligned to relate to Him, and thus receive His relationship and the blessings that naturally flow from Him. She co-authored Pure Joy and wrote Perfect Peace together with its audio album, tools for healing trust and growing the spirit. She is the managing editor of Hope Crystal and her husband Stephen share a passion to position the next generation to be anchored in truth so they can fly in the spirit.

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