Tweaking the Machinery

God may have a particular agenda in mind for your unsettled desire to change yourself this time of year.

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As the calendar winds down to the closing tics of the clock, it seems almost involuntarily we begin an inventory assessment of our lives – hoping to reconcile what actually occurred with what we had hoped would have happened this past year. With an eye on next year, we resolve to be more intentional about balancing the disparities in our emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being accounts . . . I can already hear the incessant squeaking of the hamster wheel as it begins to spin.

Pro and con ledger columns filled with symptomatic behavior modifications is the wrong way around to reaching the outcomes we want most. Intuitively, we know there is a disquiet in our bones that we have been compensating. Sustained peace and contentment aren’t achieved through tweaking the machinery of our behaviors, or climbing on the hamster wheel of better intentions. Perhaps, there is something more systemic at work in our subconscious mind trying to get our attention – a restlessness in our spirit tugging at our sleeves. At the risk of going all psycho-babble, let it suffice to say, God may have a particular agenda in mind for your unsettled desire to change yourself this time of year.

So yes, you should be more intentional this coming year, but not about working from the outside in — rather be intentional about tuning into the way God is already at work on you from the inside out. There is a centering solace found in knowing we are being conformed to Christ’s image, that we are the unfinished good work already begun (Philippians 1:6). However those changes are made manifest, I say we allow ourselves to be swept up in their wake, pulling us ever into our Father’s will. May we all willingly let go of whatever besets us (Hebrews 12:1) and ever set our affections on him who loves us with an everlasting love – that we may make his kingdom known . . . just to be with him—doing what he is doing.

Here’s a song I wrote a few years back, thinkin’ ‘bout New Year’s resolutions


Hold On/ Let Go

Catch the wind in an open sail – just might take you,
God knows where you’ll go – If you let go

Lose control of the little things
Let your hands fall from the reins
They’ll fall – if you let go

If you let go
Of what you think you know

But trouble is that trouble knows
How to crush your hope and leave you cold
Even so – don’t let go

You feel your life is like a string
Being pulled by everything that falls
But don’t let go

No, don’t you let go
Of what you really know

It’s never really been about
What you understand
It’s closer than you think
It holds on to your hand

Saw my life like a runaway train
Lost in reckless desiring
So I let go – I just let go

It’s faith and hope and love I seek
That offers peace of mind to me
I know – I won’t let go

O, if I had the faith
I’d let all of this go
And hold on to your love
Never let that go

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

A Kingdom creative.

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