Time of Wonder and Miracles

Nicholas showed the world, really, what it looks like to be an ambassador of the generosity of our King, bringing Heaven to earth.

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“Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow,” (ISV, James 1:17).

Saint Nicholas’ life is the stuff made of legends. He arrived to a wealthy Christian family of Greek origin who lived in modern-day Turkey under the Roman Empire. According to tradition, he was born March 15, 270 AD, and departed to be with the Lord on December 6, 343 AD.

With the historical distrust that has been sown in people today, the view that his life even existed may be questioned. However, the fact that his grave was a pilgrimage site, faithfully acknowledged and visited, gives credence to his existence.

At Nicholas’ time in history, under persecution, with limited transportation and communication technology on hand, it was very common for stories (true stories) to be exported by oral report. Even the Gospels were relayed verbally for at least thirty years before they were written. Therefore, it’s not a stretch to hold true stories about Nicholas that were not written down about him until about 250 years after his departure. Actually, it took about that long for the true stories of the Celtic saints of Ireland such as Patrick and Columba to be written as well.

Stories of his life spread to a people hungry for Christ and hope—and grew into legend that gave rise to the modern-day Santa Claus.

What we know is this. Nicholas received wealth as a birthright from his family, and he chose to use it to the glory of God. He was truly a Christian, a “little Christ,” as evidenced by his generosity and good gifts like our Heavenly Father.

He is said to have worked miracles through his intercession! Dear friends, let us take note! People deep in poverty and persecution needed more than even Nicholas’ wealth could provide and through his intercession on their behalf, miracles happened!

Nicholas is said to have raised people from the dead—even in worse state than Lazarus was—through his prayers and faith. He is said to have calmed the storm when traveling by sea, like Jesus did.

A famous story that provided foundation for Santa Claus stemmed from his compassion. Compassion moved on his emotions to bring action for those suffering. Dear friends, let us take note! A man in poverty had three daughters. Due to the customs of the day, they would not be allowed to “legally” wed, as they had no money and thus no dowry. Therefore, these daughters were on the brink of being forced into prostitution. Learning of their plight, Nicholas tossed a sack of gold secretly through the window (and thereby was born “gifts in stockings by the fire”). The first daughter’s dowry was provided, and she happily married. He crept quietly in the night, after her wedding, and tossed another small sack of gold in for the second daughter. Legend has it that when Nicholas came to provide the final dowry for the third daughter, the father “caught” him in this secret act of giving and cried tears of thanks, but was forbidden to tell publicly what Nicholas had given.

Father revealed to me that the song of our life is complete at our departure—and it rings loud and clear in that time. St. Nicholas’ life rings in this time of December.

On December 6 specifically, for years, believers have remembered the generosity and virtuous life of Nicholas who gave his best for Father and His people. Nicholas showed the world, really, what it looks like to be an ambassador of the generosity of our King, bringing Heaven to earth. The truth of his life, complete with his gifts and wealth under the leadership of King Jesus, is better than the legend! Generosity! Ambassador of The Giver! Emissary of The King! Compassion! Intercession and faith marked with attesting miracles! Deliverance of people! Glory to God!


Prayer response:

Father, thank You for the life of Your faithful one, Nicholas. Thank You for the way he represented You as The Giver and The Generous King, even during a worldwide time of hardship.

Let the sound of his life resound with Your Gospel Song in the Heavens and on earth and in this time, reverberating and resounding, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Father, remember Turkey, Syria, and Egypt. Abraham walked through much of that land. Paul was born in Turkey and evangelized there. Jesus walked in many parts of that land as well. The seven letters You spoke to the churches in Revelation were in the area of Turkey. Not the least of which was Nicholas who lived in the region of Turkey and worked miracles and generosity from You among the people. Father! It is seeded there—the picture of our Christmas! Christmas, free from commercialism, but filled with wonder, miracles, compassion, open hearts, and generosity—that picture of Christmas which is literally the most accurate view of Heaven that we see on earth. Love and giving because of You, our Father, The Giver of all good gifts, made known through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Father, the Gospel is well-seeded there. Father, You said through Prophet Kim Clement that the young people—and people—of those nations would have FREEDOM to worship You in their own lands, the lands of Turkey, Syria, and Egypt. We are remembering You and the seed of Your faithful and Your prophetic word. By faith, we agree that FREEDOM for people, for the Gospel, is on earth and in Turkey, Syria, and Egypt as it is in Heaven. By faith, we agree that the SOUND of generosity and the wonder-working miracles of Your faithful Nicholas are resounding and emerging in great, manifold harvests to the full extent of Your possibilities.

Further, Father, ignite compassion and passion and great generosity and great faith in the hearts of Your people and raise up multitudes like Jesus and like the truth of Your servant, Nicholas, in Your Body today to more than meet the needs and minister to the people in these challenging times and beyond. Cause the reality of the Kingdom—Your very own Christmas-land!!!–to manifest in and through us on earth as it is in Heaven with attesting miracles, signs and wonders, and great provision and much joy, and do much more! We celebrate You, Father, The Generous Giver of all Perfect Gifts. Seal this by Your Holy Spirit and rearguard it and us in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ, so be it, amen.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Hope Streams

Featured Image by Lenka Novotná from Pixabay

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Stephen + Crystal Wade

About the Author

Crystal Wade writes to throw out a lifeline of hope for people to receive connectivity to trust the Father and be internally aligned to relate to Him, and thus receive His relationship and the blessings that naturally flow from Him. She co-authored Pure Joy and wrote Perfect Peace together with its audio album, tools for healing trust and growing the spirit. She is the managing editor of Hope Streams.net. Crystal and her husband Stephen share a passion to position the next generation to be anchored in truth so they can fly in the spirit.

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