The Triple Portion and Rebirthing of the Church

Resurrection and a Rebirth is about to take place especially among the elderly, and those who have ministered to others.

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I had an interesting Dream from The LORD. I have prayed for a couple of days and this is how The LORD unveiled it.

In the Dream, we were in a house. There was a woman there whose name was Irene in real life.

She went to the Church that my husband, Doug,  and I had pastored for a few years. She was elderly when she came to our Church and she passed away a few years ago. As I was usually doing with her when she came there, I would help her get around and things like that.

In the Dream, I went outside the house and went to the house of a man named Thomas. He asked me to come back and visit with the rest of the people in the house next door.

So I went back and asked Irene if she wanted to go there. She said yes, so for some reason, Irene then turned into a good-sized baby. So I picked her up in my arms and took her next door.

The gentleman next door came to the door and said he had to go back in and get ready for us to enter. Then as we entered, I noticed there were three gentlemen, all sitting, and they looked similar and all were in freshly ironed crisp pajamas.

Then I took Irene over to meet them, and when I did, I couldn’t remember her name. Finally, I said her name is Lily, Lily Mae. And she said, yes, that is my name.

End of dream.

God told me it was not as much about what or who the people were in this Dream, but it was in the names, and that was the key to this Dream.

So the name Irene means peace and serenity.

The name Thomas means Twins, but in this case there were triplets.

The name Lily means a rebirth, which is what happened in the Dream — when Irene turned into a baby again.

In the Dream, I was carrying the baby to meet Thomas, who was now triplets, all without spot or wrinkle.

All the people in the Dream were in their 70’s and 80’s.

I believe God is saying that there is a Resurrection and a Rebirth that is about to take place in this country — especially among those who are elderly, and who have ministered to others.

There are many who began a work in others, as in me ministering to Irene, and you thought the Dream died, but there is a Rebirthing and Resurrection taking place of that which you have sown into!

This time, you will take them to the Place of Perfection and there will not only be a Double Portion in the newly resurrected Church, but there will be a Triple Portion that will be the catalyst of the ushering in of Peace (Irene) that will overflow into Resurrection Life and the Rebirthing of The Church — without spot or wrinkle — that will be The True Church of the last days!


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on TCIC Ministries 

Featured Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

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About the Author

Jo Ellen is a prophetic speaker, singer, intercessor, and pastor. The Lord has called her to be His mouthpiece no matter what she is involved with. She believes we will see The Knowledge of the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea in our lifetime!!