Just because the people in Noah’s day had never seen rain, did not mean the rain wasn’t coming! Many of you have been given an assignment of heaven for this hour. Many of you have received words about where God is bringing you, and what God is calling you to build. Some of these words defy cultural norms and reach past denominational borders. But what I want to tell you this morning is this, The assignment God has called you to do is backed by the grace to complete it!
The enemy will try to challenge you, your family and friends will come against you, and your neighbors will doubt and mock you… but you know one thing in your spirit. God has called you to build! See people will doubt you because of their own inability to see through the eyes of faith. But their inability to see the promise and provision of God will not stop God’s ability to deliver it. People refuse to step out of their comfort zone and trust God with their future and with their lives. Now a comfort zone is a beautiful thing, however, nothing worthwhile ever grows there! God wants to stretch us into the realm of the unknown, and bring us into uncharted territories, to unveil to us (the sons of God), the secrets that have been laid away for this generation!
God is calling many of you to rise up and be pioneers in this hour. Pioneering isn’t a comfortable task, it requires getting your hands dirty. It requires you to pave new roads and enter uncharted territories. It requires you to run after a dream, a calling, a vision that few see except you. But just because others don’t see the rain, does not mean the rain isn’t coming! So strap up your rain boots, put on your rain gear, put your hand to the plow, and don’t you dare look back at what you left behind!
We are now moving into a time that God has spoken to me as not the first great awakening, not the second great awakening, but THE GREATEST AWAKENING! One that will awaken the bride, and not cause her to fall back asleep into her slumber. He is once again bringing reformation to the church and challenging hearts to run away with him. He is bringing us into a new era of discovery, a new era of glory, a new era of power, and a new era of presence.
Building an ark is never an easy task, but when the floods came the ark arose with them. You are building a vessel that will sustain the promise, and when the floods and waves of revival come you are going to rise with the wave and above it. You are going to be transitioned from Glory to greater Glory! But what I see in the spirit today is a rainbow awaiting you on the other side. That’s right, on the other side of this season is awaiting the promise and provision of God!! Revival and souls are your inheritance! Do not allow what others don’t see to influence what you do see! You are plowing with a purpose! God is getting ready to show up and show out on your behalf, and everything you labored for is getting ready to spring forth. The tears from your eyes have watered the seeds of revival. God says I’m not calling you to live by what you see. I’m calling you to trust me that I would not cause you to labor in vain.
This is a word for someone this morning.
Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.
-Matthew 21:21
A lot of people quote this scripture but overlook the most important part. “If you have faith and DO NOT DOUBT….the enemy will always try to attack your faith by causing doubt. “Well is this really what you’re saying, God? Do you really want me to do this?” And you begin to question God after you got 26 prophetic words declaring this is what you are called to do. Doubt is the destroyer of faith. I feel God saying this morning that he is recharging someone’s faith! He is calling you to return to the plow, he is calling you to finish what was started. Have faith, and do not buy into the doubt!! You are getting ready to see the floods of revival come and you are ascending with them! Let’s finish this race well!!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Consuming Love Ministries
Featured Image by Leohoho from Pixabay
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