The Horses are at the Gate

The LORD is looking for end-time war horses who will run together as one.

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It seems as if I’ve been seeing horses everywhere since the dream that I had a few weeks ago.

Yes, The LORD uses allegories and symbolism to communicate important revelation to His People, especially the Prophets and Seers.

To some people, it may seem foolish, but to others who understand the language of The Holy Spirit, you know that He has an exciting message in this madness. He speaks in ways the human mind cannot comprehend.

The LORD showed me a thoroughbred horse raring to go at the starting gate of a race. She feels a fire rising up within her, a surge of energy that she can’t contain.

I see her kicking up the dirt ready to leave the stall as she feels the rush of adrenaline pulsating through her veins. She is wearing blinders to block out all distractions around her and keep her eyes on the prize.

She is focused and fierce like a war horse ready to take on any battle that comes her way. She is gathered together with other horses to run this race.

They know who is on their team, and know who their opponents are. They are strong, focused, determined, and ready to take on the world.

The LORD is looking for end-time war horses who will run together as one. He is raising them up as forerunners to release His word across the nations.

They are not out to fight against flesh and blood, but here to share the Word of God with the world. The LORD is raising up generals to lead the people and equip the body of Christ.

He is calling them to the front lines as brave and determined men and women who have no fear of what lies ahead. Demonic spirits see the tenacity inside of them, therefore they cower back in fear

The LORD asked Jeremiah: If you have become weary running with the footman, how will you be able to contend with horses?

Those who stand strong in The LORD will run with endurance and not get weary in difficult seasons.

Just as Elijah outran Ahab’s chariots, they will run with the word that The LORD put in their mouth, and they will confront the agenda of the enemy head-on. Just as Elijah was fed by ravens, they will believe for supernatural provision.

They will have the wisdom of Jesus when faced with confrontations. They know their authority and will call down fire from heaven when in a showdown with the prophets of Baal.

They are fearless and ready to face challenges, tenacious in spiritual warfare, alert and watchful of the enemy. They are those whose faces are like the faces of lions as they walk in strength and determination because they know who they are in Christ.

The LORD is showing me that many of you are tired of running the race. I see you sitting on the sidelines but Jesus is about to give you a drink of water to revitalize, refresh you, and restore your strength with living water.

You will begin to run the race once again and not grow weary. You will walk and not faint. Your feet will become as swift as gazelles on the mountains.

He’s calling those to run alongside you and He’s calling the body of Christ to run together in one accord. They will watch out for one another and be careful to avoid friendly fire.

They will never have to be concerned with the wiles of the evil one, because they know that Jesus is standing with them at all times.

As we navigate these end times, God is about to equip His people with wisdom, discernment, and understanding as He reveals His strategies for the days ahead.

His love never fails and His mercy is new every morning. He will show us the decisions to make, and pave the way for us to take. Take courage.

“There’s no need to fear the future because I have carved you in the palm of My Hand!” says The LORD.

“If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” Proverbs 24:10

“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5

“No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.” 2 Timothy 2:4


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on A Word in Season

Featured Image by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Elaine Tavolacci's testimony is that she is Healed, Delivered, Restored, Renewed, and Set Free Indeed. She is Saved and Sanctified, Holy Ghost Filled, Fire Baptized. She is Called, Chosen and entering into her Destiny because she knows that her God is about to do Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above and Beyond All she could ever Imagine, Ask or Think in her life. What Elaine has endured in her past, she is going to use as fuel for her future. The devil came to Steal, Kill and Destroy her life but Jesus' promise to her is Life More Abundantly! Elaine declares, "I AM A SIGN AND A WONDER"

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