OPINION – For years, the left has waxed poetic about the necessity of a “peaceful transfer of power” when one party hands over the executive branch to another party. You see, this was a fabulous virtue signaling talking point after they staged the J6 “insurrection”—or as many now call it—the “Fedsurrection.”
After stealing the 2020 election, primarily with never-ending mail-in ballots as they continued to count for weeks after polls closed aided by non-transparent black box technology, the Democrats, the permanent government, and their UniParty co-conspirators collaborated to prevent investigation of the obvious fraud and certify “Joe Biden” as the President-elect. Despite confiscations and hiding 40,000 hours of video of the “riot”, evidence continued to leak out showing how hundreds of three-letter agency assets and bussed-in Antifa members dressed up as Trump supporters to instigate and engage in violence.
Fencing was removed, and complicit cops waved protesters onto the capital grounds and into the building. Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell stalled, hemmed, and hauled to delay the joint session proceedings within the building—until he got the well-timed notice to abandon ship for safety reasons. Coincidentally, Nancy Pelosi brought a film crew headed by her daughter to film the day’s events.
It’s almost as if Mitch and Nancy knew what would unfold.
Fast forward to 2024, after four years of moralizing and pontificating about preserving democracy and the time-honored need for a peaceful transfer of power, “Joe Biden” found himself in the position to cede power to Donald Trump as the new President-elect.
Joe and Jill Biden made nice by inviting Trump to the White House for the customary transition meeting. They were all smiles as they promised a smooth transition and allegedly revealed that they had even voted for Trump. The facts that Jill went to the polls dressed to the nines in red and Joe seemed to love his new MAGA cap tend to corroborate this notion.
Shortly, thereafter, Joe shuffled off to an Amazon rainforest. Amongst the dense jungle, looking like a Hollywood set for an episode of Survivor or Gilligan’s Island, Biden revealed that he gave the green light to Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy to fire American-made and supplied missiles into the Russian homeland. He also casually mentioned the possibility of providing nuclear weapons to Ukraine.
The war has raged on with escalating tensions for a couple of years. Other nations have aligned and prepared for war.
Considering that Vladimir Putin had previously announced that taking such a step would cross an absolute redline that would constitute direct combat by the USA and NATO, this act was no small thing. Ukraine quickly seized the opportunity with the alleged help of NATO and U.S. troops, firing off missiles into Russia.
Biden’s green light is nothing short of a blatant attempt to escalate the battle into a full-blown world war—with the primary combatants possessing large nuclear arsenals.
Also, considering that the Biden-Harris regime recently took action to reinstate the selective service draft which has been suspended for decades means that our sons and daughters will be drafted to be killed and maimed fighting this nonsensical and purposeless war.
Reportedly, a million young Ukrainian men have already died. Is that not enough devastation?
This is anything but a peaceful transfer of power. Biden was ousted by an internal coup, and then his party was defeated at the polls—so “Joe Biden” decided to throw gasoline on the fire to incite World War 3.
There is no other way to characterize this brazen act as anything but pure evil!
Tucker Carlson recently spoke to the situation in a discussion with Clayton Morris on the Redacted Podcast, proclaiming that this is the most evil thing he has ever witnessed. He stated that he believes now that Satan himself is in the White House. This is not hyperbole.
Plunging the world into a multi-nation war, and potentially a nuclear holocaust, on the way out the door is unconscionable at best—and outright Demonic at worst.
Is this a last-ditch effort to circumvent the transfer of power? Is this a means to ensure the military-industrial complex and the associated money laundering continue for a long, long time? Is this a temper tantrum by an illegitimate “President” who is still angry about being pushed out of office? Or is this just the dirtiest of all politics by the Marxist regime and their globalist masters? Or perhaps, is this all of the above?
Fortunately, President-elect Trump’s victory has been met with refound respect for our nation and the commander-in-chief. It also immediately led Putin to speak of peace and ending the war prior to “Joe Biden” throwing gasoline on the fire.
But, January 20th is still a long way off when warmongering psychopaths are shooting long-range missiles into civilian-populated areas, destroying anything in its path. How long can Putin show restraint while his country is being devastated?
On a side note, it is worth stating that the leap across Putin’s redline may not have been a unilateral action—as suggested by the air quotes around Joe Biden’s name. Although he or one of his impersonators could have gone rogue, most have come to realize that Joe has served as a puppet for the regime over the past five years.
Even so, it remains a pure evil act. And, it in no way absolves Biden, who has willingly served as the frontman in exchange for power, prestige, and money.
No matter what, the current situation is extremely dangerous and worthy of abundant prayer. It is worth reminding our representatives that We the People voted for peace and prosperity—not endless, disastrous wars.
Surely, this brazen, reckless attempt to escalate war underscores that We the People chose good over evil in the 2024 election. And, the sooner the new administration can seize the reigns and take aggressive measures to reform DC, the better off both our nation and the world will be.