How teachable are we? Are we willing and open to receive more truth? Those who have a teachable spirit the Lord delights in.
- Open willingness and eagerness to learn enlarges our capacity to receive.
Some folks will just not receive new truths. Some get set in their ways and limit all the possibilities with God.
I agree with the Psalmist who says, “Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end.” (Psalm 119: 33)
Here’s What Learning His Word Accomplishes
- Gives Me Understanding (Psalm 119: 34)
- Directs And Delights Me (Psalm 119: 35)
- Turns My Heart (Psalm 119: 36)
- Turns My Eyes (Psalm 119: 37)
- Fulfills His Promises (Psalm 119: 38)
- Takes Away Disgrace (Psalm 119: 39)
- Preserves My Life (Psalm 119: 40)
Yes, God’s Word preserves our life. When we seek out His Word, we become free. “I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.” (Psalm 119: 45)
- His Word Sets Us Free
- His Word Brings Hope
- His Word Brings Love
“The earth is filled with your love, teach me your decrees.” (Psalm 119: 64)
After I read this, I said to the Lord, “I don’t see your love being displayed.” He answered, “The earth is full of His unfailing love.” (Psalm 33: 5b) Here’s also why, “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.” (Psalm 33: 6)
Just look at creation! How could we not see His love in it? Every vibrant color, every blooming flower, every cascading waterfall, every ocean breeze, every mountain crevice, every singing bird, every ray of sunshine, displays His love and His beauty.
Oh Lord, teach me your Word, and teach me to see!
(Shared from Psalm 119: 33-64)
His Word Brings Forth Fruit
“The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.” (Isaiah 32: 17)
His Word Brings Forth Peace
“My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.” (Isaiah 32: 18)
His Word Releases Waters And Leads Me Home
Yes, the New Jerusalem will be our heavenly home where His continual flow of healing waters will be present.
“There (Jerusalem) the Lord will be our Mighty One. It will be like a place of broad rivers and streams. (Isaiah 33: 21)
(Shared from Isaiah 31-33, Modified)
Truth Vs. Error
Paul is writing to Timothy his son in the Lord, (spiritual son). He is the one he mentored and sent off as a leader. He calls him his, “True son in the faith.” (1 Timothy 1: 2)
False teachers have come in and were teaching false doctrines in the church at Ephesus. Paul was telling Timothy to “Command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies.” (1 Timothy 1: 3-4)
What’s that mean? Some men were teaching mythical stories that were built in Old Testament history. They were teaching Gnosticism which was a second-century religious movement claiming that salvation could be gained through a special form of secret knowledge. The term Gnosticism is derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning “to know” or “knowledge.”
As a believer, salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only way. Gnosticism was a false teaching and Timothy had to deal with it. Paul is helping him as he writes.
Know What You Believe
The goal of knowing Jesus is “Love which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1: 5)
As Paul was mentoring Timothy on dealing with error, he said, “Here’s a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners–of which I am the worst.” (1 Timothy 1: 15)
- This is truth.
- His death on the cross took our sin there.
- Our testimony should always point to Jesus.
“Fight the good fight; holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith.” (1 Timothy 1: 18-19)
(Shared from 1 Timothy 1, Modified)
Jesus Is The Truth
“There are many teachings to lead you astray; cling to My Word it won’t take you away.
I’ve come to lead you into all truth; My Word and My promises are not like those of Zeus.
My Word will exhort you as you feed on My decrees; let it be imparted to give you guarantees.
It holds you accountable as you grow in My ways; the fire of My Spirit will ignite you ablaze.
And as you shine for all to see; you will find less will not agree.
My love shines bright through and through; it will keep you on a straight path to pursue.
And as you run your race release My power; many will see it’s the time and the hour.
To display My work upon the earth; for many to receive My love and rebirth.
So stay committed and feed on My bread; it will sustain your life, it raised the dead.
My power and truth are in My law; I revealed it in the New Testament once and for all.
The covenants are within for you to embrace; setting man free from their disgrace.
So stay in tune and hold inside; My Word and love for us to abide.
I long to give you all that I own; it’s through My Word, for it to be shown.
My presence will hover over all you do; My Spirit refreshes making things anew.
So as you await My return and glory; step out in My truth to complete your story.
Your life is in full view for all to see; show them My life and point them to Me.”
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