Sword of Fire and Sword of Deliverance

While I was there in your midst, it was your sin that covered your eyes from seeing My face.

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God is wielding a Sword of Fire and a Sword of Deliverance through the church in this hour.

He is circumcising hearts and cutting off the parts of the flesh that can’t remain. He is stripping every extremity that would be used as a divisive tool of the enemy to stop the synchrony of your heart beating with His and to keep you from advancing in this next season. He’s not wielding this sword from the place of anger. He is wielding it from a heart seated in perfect love. It aims to separate the things that no longer belong in your life, the things that have held you in bondage, the things that have kept you from intimacy with His presence.

I see fresh fire and fresh wind coming upon God’s people. He says, “Many have been crying out for fresh fire to fill their lives, they have been crying out for the rain of My Spirit to saturate them, they have been crying out to know Me more deeply and intimately. But in order to come up higher, in order to step past the veil and into the inner courts of My presence, and into the realms of intimacy that you have cried out for…I first have to burn up the areas of your life that would deny you access from entering into My Holy of Holies.”

It is not without gifting that no man shall see God; it is without Holiness that no man shall see Him. He says, “You have asked to see Me. You have cried out for more of My presence.  While I was there in your midst, it was your sin that covered your eyes from seeing my face. It is the little compromises, the secret sins, the little foxes that you have allowed entry into your vineyard. They have eaten all the fruit to the point there is none left to give as an offering to Me. These foxes, these sins, these compromises have hidden yourself from Me,” says the Lord.

He says that He is drawing His people back to the altar of intercession in this hour, and He is drawing His people back to a place of deep repentance. I see Him placing His finger on areas of the heart that need to be surrendered and handed over. There are some things He is revealing that you are not presently aware exist in your life, but the love of Jesus is shining a light on every interference of Holy communion with His Spirit. This purging is not to harm you but to purify you and bring you into the deeper communion you have longed for.

He says, “The fire is your friend. Embrace this fire that I am sending, for it is My all-consuming fire that is cleansing you, purifying you, and bringing you into a deeper measure of holiness. These are not the fires of affliction. They are the flames of eternal love sent to inflict a holy passion for Me and to cause you to burn with great zeal and a righteous indignation toward every form of ungodliness. With fresh fire comes fresh revelation and an invitation to new realms of My glory. There is an invitation to witness and partake of a new outpouring of My Spirit that will be defined and redefined as something no eye has seen and no ear has heard. It is the latter and the former coming together. It is the old wells and the fresh rain. It is an authentic expression of the manifestation of My Spirit that will be invoked by the desperate cry of a Holy generation, earnestly seeking to fan the embers of revival and see a bride made ready for her King.”


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Consuming Love Ministries

Featured Image by Michael McAuliffe on Unsplash

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About the Author

Tyler Medina is a revivalist, author, and emerging prophetic voice with a passion to bring the church into a deeper life of intimacy with God. Tyler was marked by a radical encounter with Jesus at eighteen years old in a jail cell, facing twenty years in prison for a crime he did not commit. After this encounter, Tyler promised to preach the gospel wherever God would send him and declare the good news of Jesus Christ. He has spent the last ten years traveling throughout the United States and South America working with church plants to stir up the wells of revival in their regions. Anna Jo Medina is a worship leader, songwriter, author, teacher, and prophetic voice with a heart to draw people to the feet of Jesus through worship and teaching of the Word. Her heart’s cry is to spend her days at the feet of Jesus, breaking her alabaster box and showing others how to pour out their very best to the One who deserves it all. Together, Tyler and Anna Jo are the founders of Consuming Love Ministries, a ministry committed to strengthening the church by cultivating a deeper experience of God's presence in their daily lives. They are also the senior leaders of Trinity Life Center, where there is a strong focus on equipping the next generation and seeing them fall passionately in love with Jesus. They are also the hosts of “The Father’s Heart” podcast. They reside in Lexington, Kentucky, with their beautiful daughter Cadence Grace.

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