Are you longing for the day that signs and wonders will be so evident in your life that undeniable miracles are occurring? Did you ever imagine walking into a children’s cancer wing of a hospital and declare, “Be healed in Jesus’ name?”
The scripture tells us that signs and wonders follow those who believe. I believe Lord! May they follow every Spirit-filled believing Christ-follower.
Do I chase after them? No, but I ask for them to manifest in the lives of those who need them. We run after Jesus, not what He can do for us, but we run after Him because we are crazy in love with Him, as He is with us.
As we look at the life of Jesus, full of the Spirit, healings, deliverance, and miracles were part of His ministry. If Jesus is our model, why can we not believe that for our lives and ministries today? We can, and we should!
Jesus taught in authority. He “Went down to Capernaum; a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath began to teach the people. They were amazed at his teaching because his message had authority.” (Luke 4: 31-32)
- An anointed teaching brings authority with it.
In the synagogue, there was a man who was demon-possessed and Jesus drove out the evil spirit.
- Yes, not everyone in the places of worship is completely free of demonic influence.
Signs Flowed From Jesus
Jesus leaves the synagogue and goes into the house of Simon. “Now, Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So he bent over and rebuked the fever and it left her.” (Luke 4: 38-39)
Infection was present in her body; her fever indicated that. Yet, with one word, the fever was gone.
When the sun was setting, the people brought their sick loved ones to Jesus. All kinds of illnesses and various kinds of sicknesses were before Him, and He laid His hands on each one and healed them.
The next day, Jesus went to a private place, alone, and the people were tracking him down. They physically tried to keep Him from leaving, but He said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also because that is why I was sent. (Luke 4: 43)
- Preaching the good news of salvation is a must and a priority.
(Shared from Luke 4: 31-44, Modified)
The River
Ezekiel is still being escorted around as he is shown the gates of the temple. Each gate had its own regulations for whoever entered to worship. As he is brought back, this man, his angelic guide, takes him to the entrance of the temple and he “Saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east.” (Ezekiel 47: 1) Oh, what a sight that would be.
- The water was life-giving water, from the Living Water, Jesus.
As his guide shows him around, he was led through water that first was ankle-deep, then became knee-deep. As he continued wading through, the water was now up to his waist. His guide kept measuring it, but now this water was a river that Ezekiel could not cross. It was deep enough now to swim in.
- God wants His children in deep over their heads, filled up with the Spirit and carried by this river.
This guide turns and asks him, “Son of Man, did you see that?” (Ezekiel 47: 6)
How could he not? He was experiencing it.
- What we see and what we experience spiritually are different.
Ezekiel experienced the water; he was walking in. It became so deep he couldn’t cross it.
- Moses couldn’t cross the Jordan without the supernatural, without a sign or a wonder.
- We don’t base our faith on the supernatural; however, God wants us to experience it.
One commentary said this about the rising river, which could not be measured: “Fundamentally, this shows us the miraculous nature of a real river in a real Messianic kingdom to come. Yet by spiritual analogy, there is a powerful picture of increasing progress and depth in our spiritual life. It illustrates the progression from ankles, to knees, to waist, to depths where one can no longer touch the ground and must swim. God’s people read this and feel a call to go deeper. They shouldn’t stop until they are swimming, carried along by God’s currents and comfortable in that place.”
- We can be carried along as the Spirit moves.
The river watered the places and Ezekiel saw fruit trees of all kinds had grown. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear because the water from the sanctuary flows to them.
- Leaves are for healing.
- Fruit reflects the promises of God, of being fruitful.
- Experiential fruit is fruit that remains.
(Shared from Ezekiel 46-47, Modified)
Signs And Wonders Given
Isaiah tells of the signs that happened even when no one asked for them. He says, speaking of Jesus, “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me, to a nation that did not call on my name. (Isaiah 65: 1)
All of the stories we hear in other nations that Jesus is appearing to unbelievers are evidence of this scripture.
- Jesus, reveal yourself to those who won’t believe any other way.
- Signs and wonders are for the unbeliever.
New Heaven And New Earth
“Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth, the former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind, but be glad to rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy.” (Isaiah 65: 17-18)
(Shared from Isaiah 65, Modified)
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