Shut The Door

There is nothing too difficult for our God.  

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Do we need everyone to see the miracles in our life?  Not every miracle is to be a public sensation.  

The wife of one of the men, from the company of prophets, died and she goes to Elisha for help.  “Your servant, my husband, is dead and you know that he revered the Lord.  But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.  Elisha asks her, What do you have in your house.  She responds, “Nothing at all, except a little oil.”    1 Kings 4: 1-2)  

So Elisha asks her to go to her neighbors and get some more jars, as many as she can.  He instructs her, “Then shut the door behind you and your sons.  Pour the oil into all the jars and as each is filled, put it to one side.”  (2 Kings 4: 4-5)  She did as he directed.  

  • There may be something in our life that we have to shut the door on and just believe God for.  

One favorite commentary said “The oil did not pour out on the ground or simply flow about. It was intended for a prepared vessel. Each vessel had to be prepared by being gathered, by being assembled, by being emptied, by being put in the right position and by staying in the right position. When there was no more prepared vessel, the oil stopped.” 

As she was pouring the oil, it kept flowing into each vessel that was positioned to receive. 

  • Obedience + faith = miracle provision.  

She then sold the oil and her debts were paid.  She lived on what was left over.  

  • We must live as His vessels who are gathered, assembled, emptied, and positioned. 
  • Remembering, Jesus paid our sin debt.  

A woman is positioned for a miracle.   This woman of God shows great hospitality to the prophet.  She invited Elisha into her home for a meal then asks her husband to build a room for Elisha to have, when he comes to town.  

Being grateful, Elisha says, “You have gone to all this trouble for us.  Now, what can be done for you?”  Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, informs him that she has no son, for her husband is old.  So “Elisha called her, and she stood in the doorway.”  

  • He positioned her in the doorway (entranceway) to receive.  
  • Where we are called and position ourselves in receiving the Word of the Lord, is very important. 
  • After positioning us, He brings forth (births) what we are called and positioned for.  

Elisha prophesies, “About this time next year, you will have a son in your arms.”  (2 Kings 4: 16)    The woman became pregnant in the next year, at about the same time.  God has a perfect time for everything.  

Her boy suddenly dies, a while later, after yelling, “My head!  My head!  The frantic mother runs to Elisha and he goes with her to her house.  “He went in shut the door on the two of them and prayed to the Lord.”  (1 Kings 4: 33)   He laid himself right on top of the boy, twice and he opened his eyes and came back to life.  

  • There is nothing too difficult for our God.  

Blessing In The Food  Whatever has been stewed up by the enemy in our life, God is able to take care of.  Elisha was with his prophet friends, once again, and he called to the servant saying, “Put on a large pot and cook some stew for these men.”  (2 Kings 4: 38)  

One of them gathered some herbs outside with a wild vine.  What this wild vine was, we don’t know.  He went back home, cut up the herbs and vine, and put them into the stew.  

As they were about to eat the stew, they cried out, “O man of God; there is death in the pot!  And they could not eat it.”  (2 Kings 4: 40)  

Elisha doesn’t pick out the bad, he just adds some good flour and serves it.  Flour is what is used to make fresh bread.  Jesus is the bread of life.  

  • The bad in our life that is stewed and stirred up from the enemy, God corrects by adding His goodness. 

The Hungry Hundred Are Fed when Elisha feeds one hundred men with only twenty loaves of barley bread.  The Word of the Lord proclaimed through Elisha was, “They will eat and have some left over.”  (2 Kings 4: 43)  Yes, and they did.  

Twice, in our stories, the Holy Spirit is speaking about shutting the door.  Maybe, it’s time to shut the door to unbelief, doubt, and fear; and open the door to believing in God’s miracle-working power.  He did it then, He can still do it now.  Our God doesn’t change! (Shared from 2 Kings 4, Modified)

Taken from Being Destroyed to Being Restored  Amos is seeing the Lord standing in the very place where Israel should receive God’s blessing.  Where is that place?  At the altar.  

He says, “I saw the Lord standing by the altar and He said, “Strike the tops of the pillars so that the thresholds shake.  Surely the eyes of the Sovereign Lord are on the sinful kingdom.”  (Amos 9: 1, 8)  

Then he sees this, “In that day I will restore David’s fallen tent.  I will repair its broken ruins and build it as it used to be.  New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills.”  (Amos 9: 11, 15) 

  • The Lord destroys and restores. (Shared from Amos 9, Modified)

The Propriety Of Worship is what Paul is dealing with now in the church.  There are rules of behavior that were conventionally considered to be correct in the church during a worship service.    It was of the cultural belief and custom, at that time, that women had to wear a head covering in the place of public worship.  

He reminds them that “The head of every man is Christ…”( 1 Corinthians 11: 3)  The woman’s head covering was a sign of authority on her head.  

Growing up as a Catholic, I remember having to wear a head covering.  It kind of looked like a lace doily.  Every female in the home had to cover her head, except for the young children.  

Women wearing head coverings in the Corinthian church were showing submission to their earthly husband and their heavenly husband.  Showing submission honors our God.  Remember submission is NOT control.  

To diffuse the usual clamor that leaders have to work with, Paul concludes, “If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice nor do the churches of God.”  (1 Corinthians 11: 16)  A rule is a rule!  

  • We need to shut the door to all the clamor, commotion, and disruption in our lives.  
  • Turn all that energy to unity, and pressing in for the kingdom of God.  (Shared from 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16, Modified)






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About the Author

Mary Beth Pecora, a faithful wife, mother, grandmother, friend, worshiper and servant leader, who loves life and loves people. More importantly, she passionately loves God and the fullness of who He is! For twenty-three years she has served in leadership positions within the ministry of Aglow International. Currently, she and her husband serve at The Secret Place--A Psalm 91 Ministry. It's a place for individual folks to come, be exhorted and prayed for, while being ushered to ministry stations within the room. They continue to serve monthly in the Prayer Room at their home church that they have been a part of for almost forty years. In April of 2022 they both received their Ministry License and were Ordained in May of 2023. She delights in encouraging folks of all ages within various walks of life. Her love of writing is now her passion, which led her to publish two books, "Restoration Explosion In The New Year," and "Navigating The Mysteries Of God." Above all that’s been accomplished and concluded, the BEST thing to her is knowing her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is her everything—her very best friend. Visit:

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