Chris and Jamie Bailey

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Avoiders in Marriage

Does your spouse constantly walk away or shut down communication with you? Do they struggle or rarely share how they feel, except for anger? Maybe you find yourself struggling to believe that they even care about you anymore. If any of this sounds like your spouse or if it sounds like you, today’s episode on avoiding in marriage is for you!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: What Adult Children Need from You

Do you have adult children, or are you dreading the day when they become adults and fly out of the nest? Well, today’s episode is for you. Your job as mom and dad is not over, so don’t worry about that, BUT, it will look different than it has for the last 18 years.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Why Married Couples Need Friends

We need friends in our lives. God designed us for community and for relationships. When He says we’re better together, we need to believe Him. But what if it’s hard and we don’t think we need friends or have no idea how to make them?

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Know if You are a People Pleaser in Your Marriage

Do you ever find yourself pursuing the happiness of your spouse at the expense of your own well-being or your own desires? Join us and find out what the roots of that people-pleasing may be and what to do about it. You both deserve a voice in your marriage!  

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: What Happened to Us? How to Become Best Friends Again

Is your marriage in a funk? Have you lost the friendship that you once had? Let today’s episode be just the encouragement you need to rekindle that long-lost friendship. It’s vital to the longevity of your marriage and on this episode, we’re letting you know why and giving you some tips on how to get it back!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Bad Marriage Advice - Part 2

In today’s part 2 conversation, we’re tackling some bad advice around the topic of sex and pornography, and you’ll likely not believe some of the stats we’re sharing. We even share some hard truths about bad advice that can come from the church. Have a listen today as we try to set the record straight on these tough topics.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Don’t Listen to This! Bad Marriage Advice - Part 1

Have you ever gotten horrible marriage advice? What about advice that you thought sounded good but turned out it really wasn’t? In today’s episode, we’re shedding some light on some of what we believe to be some bad advice that won’t help your marriage. In fact, we’re so passionate about you hearing the truth about your marriage that we m...

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Do you Avoid Conflict? Find Out Why!

Is conflict something you tend to run from? Does the mere thought of someone, especially your spouse, being upset with you almost throw you into a panic? If this is you, or your spouse, we’ve got you covered on today’s episode! Join us as we shed some light and some hope on the reasons that might be fueling your disdain for conflict.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Special Episode - Jamie's Redemption Story

What is God able to do when you grow up in a dysfunctional, abusive home? Suffer pain and despair so bad that there is not one, but 2 suicide attempts? End up a high school dropout and living with a physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive boyfriend? Become a pregnant teenager in a marriage filled with adultery and domestic violence?

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: The Essentials of an Emotionally Healthy Home

What are you striving for in this New Year? How confident are you that it’s the right thing for your marriage and family? Goals are great to have, BUT, if they’re not the right ones, what’s the point? Join us today as we talk about the value of striving for something really important—an emotionally healthy home.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Have the Best New Year as a Couple

Are you ready to have a great New Year? Or maybe you just don’t want a repeat of this past year? However you’re feeling about the year ahead, it’s important to have a focus, especially for your marriage. But there’s no need to be overwhelmed by setting big goals or making big changes. In today’s episode, we’re keeping it really simple a...

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Setting Boundaries with In-Laws

Do you ever feel like your marriage and your family are not your own, but instead just an extension of one or both sets of your parents? Are they calling the shots for your holiday plans, your schedules, and maybe even how you’re raising your kids? Maybe they just really struggle with accepting a no, so you’ve just found it was easier to go alo...

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Holiday Stress - Tips to De-stress this Christmas

In this episode, we’re here to help you keep your focus and have an intentional Christmas this year. Join us as we share some of the biggest stressors and dish out some practical tips on how to get rid of them so you can have a Christ-filled Christmas!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Help! My Spouse's Flaws Drive Me Nuts!

How much do you hate it when your husband is late for everything? How about when your wife’s makeup takes over the entire bathroom counter? Do these things drive you just a little nutso? Well, today’s episode is for you! We’re having a chat about what we can do about those flaws that drive us nuts in one another. The answer might surprise you...

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Help My Spouse with Anxiety - Part 2

Today we’re completing our two-part series on helping your spouse with anxiety. If you missed part one, be sure to go back and listen to it first. In today’s episode, you can hear more of our personal story and get some great, practical tips on how to help your spouse start the journey of overcoming anxiety.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: How to Help My Spouse with Anxiety - Part 1

This is part one of a two-part series that will be sure to make you feel more equipped in helping your spouse move forward in a battle with anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety yourself, be sure to share this with your spouse so you can learn how to tackle it together. Anxiety is a real battle, but there is hope! We personally know that to be true!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Sowing and Reaping in Marriage

In this episode we’re talking about being intentional in your marriage—because you do get to have a good amount of say in what your marriage will look like in those golden, or close to golden years. We’re talking about the law of sowing and reaping. Join us for this hope-filled episode!

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Dealing with Change as a Couple

Are you in a season of dealing with change? Maybe you’ve sent a child to kindergarten or college, or you’ve recently suffered a loss of a loved one, a job, or just your sense of normal. The reality is change is inevitable and we all must learn to deal with it somehow.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Exhausted Parents Still Need Date Nights

Are you too tired for date night? Does going to bed as soon as the kids go to bed sound more delightful than heading out for a night on the town? We get it as we’ve been there, done that. That’s why in this episode we’re helping you understand the importance of date night and how you can make it easier to do with young kids at home.


Check out this BONUS episode that includes an invaluable resource for affair recovery. We are FOR your marriage and FOR reconciliation, but very specific things need to happen in order for healing. Forgiveness is one thing, but reconciliation is another.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Midlife Marriage Check-In | 5 Questions to Strengthen Your Marriage

Is your marriage at a midlife crossroads? Tune in to this episode, where we dive into 5 essential questions every couple should ask to strengthen their relationship.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Boundaries and the Nervous System

Dr. Baker shares practical advice on how to recognize when your boundaries are being crossed and how to strengthen your nervous system to confidently enforce them.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Help! My Husband had an Affair!

While we are fully aware that women have affairs too, today’s topic has a much-needed message for the wives of husbands who cheat. Listen in and you will find that it’s a message for the wife who feels she needs to be a godly wife, forgive, hold strong to her vows and simply turn the other cheek.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Betrayal Trauma and the Nervous System

Dr. Baker explains the science behind these responses and offers practical strategies to calm and restore the nervous system, helping you move from survival mode to a place of peace.