September 26, 2022, is the first full day of Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets. It is the beginning of the Hebraic new year on their civic calendar, and for them it is the beginning of the year 5783. In God’s economy, Israel is His firstborn of many nations (Ex.4:22) and through whom Jesus came and so there is a prioritization of their calendar. This is why we are drawn to recognize this shifting of years from 5782 to 5783 as something important, if not monumental. This year it seems to be particularly important and the coming days should bear that out.
“And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work. For you, it is a day of blowing trumpets.” Numbers 29:1
Shmita and Jubilee: Remission of Debt and Return of Original Property
There is a lot of confusion here for several reasons with many calling this new year both a Jubilee and a shmita year though it really isn’t. First of all, Israel as a present-day nation doesn’t celebrate an official Jubilee and many rabbis believe jubilee only applies if all 12 tribes are back on original land. However, it was 5782 that was a shmita year and the last generally accepted Jubilee year was 2015 on our calendar. Shmita was celebrated every 7 years with the 7th year being the shmita year. The word shmita means “remission of debt,” and it is covered in Deuteronomy 15.
“At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts. And this is the form of the release: Every creditor who has lent anything to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not require it of his neighbor or his brother, because it is called the Lord’s release.” Deut. 15:1, 2
For purposes of instruction, a Shmita was like a Sabbath for years at every 7th year. Jubilee is what was celebrated every 50th year at the end of 7 Shmita’s. On Jubilee years, the remission of debts went beyond the Shmita year as properties were returned to original owners. Though we are not in a technical Shmita and Jubilee year, I do firmly believe we are in an extended Shmita and Jubilee season. In Bible times the year of Jubilee was announced by the blowing of the shofar/trumpet. (For the full passage on that read Leviticus 25 and especially 8-13) In our times, I believe the Jubilee season started with Trump announcing his candidacy for the presidency and he has been the dominant world governmental leader of 7 years as God continues unabated to blow him as a shofar throughout this land and even the whole world. In the Old Testament, the same word is used for Jubilee and Trump. As long as God keeps “blowing His Trump” it is an announcement of Jubilee. This applies at a personal level and at a national level. We are being restored to our original identity as a Republic and there is a being set free from the Pharaohs of the Central Bank and their instruments the Federal Reserve and the IRS. A great release of debts is inbound but it does require the collapsing of the present economic system. Demolition in stages is being done and will be done to lessen the transitional pain.
The Hebraic symbol for the year 5783 is Gimmel which is the 3rd letter in the Hebrew alphabet. It comes from the root word Gemul in Hebrew and means “justified repayment.” It also means “recompense” and “benefit.” This Gimmel symbol during an extended spiritual Jubilee and Shmita season is the bigger deal of this new year. It is part of the justice reveal of God. 5782 was a year individuals, churches, and nations were “subpoenaed” as it were to face justice, and now this 5783 is where justice is dispensed and made public. Most of last year’s “justice” was not public but was in “court settings” of heaven and on earth. This year starting today it goes public. The Gimmel of the 3 in 5783 shifts us, our churches, and the nations into “recompenses” that are some good and some bad. The jury is in and the Judge is about to read out the sentences.
The Aarons; Psalms 99; 30 years old; Isaiah 60, 61
Sure enough, sports highlights make it into this year’s Rosh Hashanah. Back in February, the Los Angeles Rams defeated the Cincinnati Bengals for the Super Bowl of the NFL. The key play that I highlighted then was when Aaron Donald sacked Joe Burrow to eliminate any comeback attempt of the Bengals. I shortened it to “Donald sacks Joe” for the win for the Rams (sheep nation). Now, we have another remarkable sports story. Today, every at-bat of another Aaron will be followed by all sports channels. The New York Yankees Aaron Judge has hit 60 home runs and is on the verge of breaking Roger Maris’ longstanding home run record. Everyone anxiously awaits for number 61. Here are some amazing “coincidences” with these two Aarons:
Both are #99.
Both were 30 years old when the attention came their way this year.
Both weigh 280 lbs.
Both have a first name (Aaron) that means “Light Bringer” (Dark to Light).
Let’s go a little deeper.
Psalms 99:1, “The Lord REIGNS; Let the peoples tremble! He dwells between the cherubim; Let the earth be moved!”
The first thing to know in all that is going on is “the Lord reigns.” This seems obvious, but even many of His own people have lost assurance of that. Yes, He is good, they don’t doubt. But “does He reign” is their big question mark. That is going to be put to rest. As the rest of this verse establishes the fact that HE REIGNS will be so established that “the peoples will tremble” and the earth will “be moved.” Those He is fighting with and for will tremble with excitement and those He fights against will tremble with dread. The whole earth will be moved not just with some future rapture but His present justice intervention.
Psalm 99:4 “The King’s strength also loves JUSTICE; You have established EQUITY; You have executed JUSTICE…”
He allows two Aarons to be highlighted this year and both with #99. One is a Donald and one is a Judge. Do you see the theme?
Psalm 99:6 “Moses and AARON were among His priests…”
So Psalm 99 actually has the name AARON in it! The AARONS whose name means “light bringer” are huge at this time. We are going from DARK TO LIGHT as often highlighted in certain patriot posts. God’s priest and prophet Aaron is brought to remembrance. He was Israel’s first priest—but to Pharaoh he was the prophet, as it is Aaron who actually gave the message, “LET MY PEOPLE GO” to Pharaoh.
5783 and Psalm 83
Last year we highlighted how Psalm 82 correlated perfectly with where we were.
Psalm 82: 1-3, “God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He JUDGES among the gods. How long will you JUDGE unjustly, And show partiality to the wicked? Defend the poor and fatherless; DO JUSTICE to the afflicted and needy; Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked.”
5782 was about God calling leaders into His courtroom where He STANDS as the presiding JUDGE. Amazing huh? Last year He stands and asks “How long will you JUDGE unjustly?” and this year He highlights an Aaron Judge, and He does so in New York which has possibly been the center of governmental corruption. The last verse of Psalm 82 is “Arise, O God JUDGE the earth; for You shall inherit ALL NATIONS.” Never forget this ultimately is a global operation. God will inherit ALL NATIONS.
So right now the year 5783 begins and see now how Psalm 83 begins.
Psalm 83: 1, 2. “Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate you have lifted up their head.”
The Psalmist is ready for the verdicts and the sentencing. Psalm 82 showed a court setting. We could even say a tribunal setting. Now we need this all made public. Now we need the JUDGE to arise and shine with His verdicts. Amazing that Aaron sits at 60 home runs having so far tied Babe Ruth with that number and every day the press says, “still at 60” as he has not yet hit the home run #61 that would tie him with Roger Maris. 60 and 61 are being talked about every day. Isaiah 60, “Arise and Shine your light has come…” and Isaiah 61, “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me and He has anointed me to bring good news.” That good news is eventually “ruined cities” will be rebuilt, “the desolation of many generations.” This is what the “kingdom millionaires” and “kingdom billionaires” I have been sharing about on Elijah Streams the last few weeks is all about.
If you weren’t sure on this, Psalm 83 speaks of those now targeted for His JUDGMENT. “Those who hate You” (v. 2). Those who have taken “crafty counsel” against Your people (v. 3). Those who have “consulted together” against His treasured ones (v. 3). Those who have “consulted together” and formed a “confederacy” against You (v. 5). It’s almost as if God has become a “conspiracy theorist” implying these evil people orchestrate what they do together.
Psalm 83 then goes into naming those who, in fact, have conspired together. Rather than naming the Illuminati, the Kazarian Mafia, Soros, Gates, WEF, the Rothschilds, etc. it names the Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, and the like. Commentators connect this gang to Jehoshaphat faced in 2 Chr. 20 when Judah was surrounded by these enemies of God and humanity. This is where Jehoshaphat received the counsel of Jahaziel the prophet on how to fight this enemy that was bigger than them. “The battle is the Lords” but, “tomorrow go to the battlefield” was the prophetic directive that is essentially the same we are receiving today. Don’t stay in your home waiting for the rapture because it is not that time. Yes, the enemy is too big, but I will cause them to destroy themselves as you begin to show up in the ways you can— like on school boards, city councils, election watching, etc.
The Psalmist then goes into pleading with God to do to these enemies as He did through Gideon, and Deborah and Barak, and Jael. Huge important nation-saving victories with undermanned forces. Gideon’s 300, Deborah’s army, Jael’s tent peg. Verses 13 through 15 go into what we are about to see here in 5783.
Psalms 83:13-15. “O my God make them like the whirling dust, Like the chaff before the wind! As the fire burns the woods, and as the flame sets the mountains on fire, SO PURSUE THEM WITH YOUR TEMPEST, and FRIGHTEN THEM WITH YOUR STORM.”
The enemy has created storm scenarios with its attempt to reset the world to its agenda but they are about experience the full ramifications of His directed storm towards them. They are going to feel what it is like to be pursued by God’s tempest and what it is like to be under the throes of His targeted storm. He still offers mercy until the last moment as it says in verse 16, “That they may seek Your name, O Lord.” They have been deceived in believing they had aligned with the real power on earth and that is going to soon be very clear to them that they went “all in” on an un-win-able hand. They bet against God and THEY LOSE.
The last verse of Psalm 83 sums it up:
Psalm 83:18, “That they may know that You, whose name ALONE is the Lord, are the Most High over all the earth.”
You see, the name Baal also means “lord.” Many infiltrators in church and government when saying “the Lord” are speaking of Baal or Mollech or even Lucifer himself. Go up high enough in Freemasonry and you discover that who you thought was Jehovah God was actually a lesser lord than THE Most High you assumed you were honoring and serving. In 5783, followers of Baal, Mollech, and Lucifer discover that the sum total of all the blood they have shed through abortions, human trafficking, and hidden human sacrifices does not even register when compared to the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. He paid the price through His blood that all may be redeemed and restored. All authority in heaven AND earth is His and He is coming after ALL NATIONS. The Father promised them to Him as inheritance (Ps. 2). Jesus is our brother, and the Head of the church so we are in on it as well as it is Family Business. Satan gets nothing. He has momentary, temporary gains as he deceives the inhabitants of the world to bet on him and shed blood on his behalf— but all gains are quickly overcome as the righteous arise and shine in partnership with the Godhead.
Eagles, Lions, Rainbows, and Victory Parades
I have talked to you about Trumpets, Storms, and Aarons. Now a little about Eagles, Lions, Rainbows, and Victory Parades. These will all be highlighted in 5783.
The frequent appearance of Eagles will be a sign and wonder. People will record their sightings of an eagle or eagles and it will be reported as something rare that hasn’t happened before. American bald eagles will more than double in 5783 and it will be a sign that the original Republic and Constitution are being restored. Eagles of all sorts will abound and it will be a sign of the overall restoration of things and also speak into the increase of true prophetic vision. Most of what has been called “prophecy” in the church, and most “Bible Prophecy” experts, are in fact blind guides who distract the church from God’s true prophetic narrative for the hour. That will change in the year before us. You can still choose to follow “blind guides,” but the proofs will be in front of you to stop doing so.
Lions will frequently be in people’s dreams and visions and will also speak into restored apostolic destiny for the nation, the nations, and also the church. Many will see the face of a lion in the clouds and these pictures will go around and even the mockers will have to admit this can’t be coincidental. God is shutting the lyin’ mouth and opening the Lion’s mouth. Satan is LIKE a roaring lion but our God IS the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Rainbows happen all the time but there will be a marked frequency of them both in number and in beauty. Double rainbows will abound. Everywhere this is not naturally occurring know that God is speaking through yet another visible means that He is the Promise Keeper and not just the Promise Giver. As yet another double blessing there will be reports of rainbows along with cloud pictures of lions and even eagles. Somebody will catch a picture of a double rainbow, an eagle flying, and a lion in a cloud—all in the same picture. Once one of you does it will then suddenly become a phenomenon. All this will scream, “Our God Reigns!”
Many are already dreaming of victory parades and similar celebrations. These dreams will increase until suddenly it will be reality— and not just in our nation but all over the world. The captives are being set free and will be set free. The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof and at no time does He hand it over to Satan. We accelerate to Habakkuk 2:14 (knowledge of His glory filling the earth) and not to a “one world government.”
“One world government” is what we are coming out of. While you speculated on when it would happen— it happened, and you didn’t even know it. The antichrist had ALREADY been ruling in all 7 mountains. The dreaded Revelations sequence of “one-third” of the planet being killed was already in motion, and nine-tenths and not one third would have been killed in this little window of time had not the Lord blown the Trump and interrupted the conspirators. The realization of this salvation of God will set off victory parades all across this nation and all across the nations of the world. Our God is greater than all the evil of the world in its coordinated conspiracy against life and freedom. The chance to live in such a day is a privilege, so during this Rosh Hashanah, blow the shofar/trumpet with gusto. Our Lord who alone is Lord is Most High above all the earth!
This is an updated post originally published on Restore 7
Featured Image by Marion Wellmann from Pixabay
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