
I thank the Lord, Jesus Christ that I wont stand before the Father robed in my own righteousness.

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“Thank you for being real”

I hear that often from other believers.

I spent time with a sister in the Lord yesterday who exhaled at my flaws.

She didn’t delight in them, but it allowed her to speak without fear of judgment.

Social media is everyone’s highlight reel.

Most of us only post the ”good stuff”.

While others are continually posting nothing but the negative stuff.

Neither is true….life is both.

I made a promise to the Lord when I got saved, or maybe it was His command.

Show it all.

I have days that are supernatural.

Days where I can see and feel Him everywhere.

I have bad days.

Days where I can’t believe what comes out of my own mouth.

Worse yet, thoughts that go through my brain.

There are days I have questioned my own salvation.

I have days where I am overflowing with love for everyone.

There are days I’m pretty sure I love no one except Jesus and my children.

I have days.

You have days.

It’s a war for our minds.

The battle is very real.

It’s constant. 

Me pretending to be “super saved” and “extra spiritual” serves no one.

It’s unattainable.

It’s not reality.

Not on this side of Glory.

I thank the Lord, Jesus Christ that I wont stand before the Father robed in my own righteousness.

That would be an absolute disaster.

A complete dumpster fire.

I will stand before Abba cloaked in THE GLORY OF HIS SON.

I am not making excuses for my days of deplorable behavior.

Holy Spirit conviction is very real.

But if you feel it, the blessing is you know that you carry Him and He convicts.

So I stand before you, flawed on every side.

I haven’t had one day that I haven’t fallen short of the glory of God.

Not even one.

But I am saved.


Please don’t think you need to clean yourself up before coming to Jesus.

He cleans you up.

He cleans me up.

Day after day, He is faithful.

Even when I am not.

My prayer today is this, understanding it’s a dangerous prayer not to be prayed flippantly….

“Make me more like you Lord, and a whole lot less like me.”


To learn more about Heidi and her Kingdom passion, visit Kingdom Come Home

Featured Image by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Heidi is the founder of  Kingdom Come Home a brand infused with love. Love for Jesus, love for people, and a burning passion for His word. We desire our company to assist in reaching all nations with the Gospel. We offer lifestyle options for God's people that align with biblical principles.

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