Those of us who have tuned into the beautiful “The Chosen” series, will remember the scene with the boat, the fish, and Jesus. What a great job they did. The image is still in my spirit. Such great impact and a reminder of what Jesus called His disciples to.
- We are disciples of Jesus called too.
Upon reading this, Luke recounts that he sees Jesus walking down the water’s edge where two boats were docked and he approaches some fishermen cleaning their nets. Jesus, making himself at home, gets into the one boat, (the one belonging to Simon), and asked him to put out a little from the shore. Then Jesus comfortably sits down and begins to teach from the boat.
He’s actually giving them a great visual. After He is done with his teaching and they are attentively listening he says to Simon, “Put out into deep waters and let down the nets for a catch.” (Luke 5: 4)
- God has deep things for us to catch on to.
Simon answers, “We’ve been at this all night and haven’t caught a thing, but, “Because you say so, I will let down the nets. (Luke 5: 5)
I remember saying that to my parents after I asked, “Why do I have to do that?” Their response was, “Because I said so.”
Well, Simon Peter gives Jesus, reluctantly, the same response I did. Then the miracle happened!
- Because “He said so,” should be a good enough reason for us to obey.
Yes, Simon obeyed the Lord even when it didn’t look favorable. One more time he looked again at the net, and sees, “They caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.” (Luke 5: 6-7)
What do I see in this story?
- Obey the Lord on what He’s telling us to do, even if it doesn’t seem favorable.
- Multiplication miracles are awaiting us.
- There are many men to catch for the kingdom.
- Don’t be afraid; step out.
- We are called to be fishers of men.
Deep Faith To Miracle Working Power
A man with leprosy comes to Jesus covered in his illness. I believe this man had faith and desperation. His prayer was, “Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus responded, “I am willing, be clean.” Immediately, the leprosy left him.” (Luke 5: 12-13)
- The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
- Obey the Spirit; He is willing.
- Willingness and preparedness sets the tone for a miracle.
As Jesus was teaching one other day, “The power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick. (Luke 5: 1)
This phrase that I highlighted, immediately caught my attention, indicating there is a ripe (right) time for a miracle to occur. Here’s what one commentary shared:
Yet even in the ministry of Jesus, there seemed to be times of a greater demonstration and reception of God’s healing work.
- There were times when Jesus did not do many miraculous works because of the general unbelief of His audience as in Matthew 13: 58.
- We note that the power of the Lord was present to heal them after Jesus withdrew into the wilderness and prayed Luke 5 16.
This paralytic man was dropped right in front of Jesus, dropped right through the roof. This was a “rooftop” experience, an over-the-top miracle!
Jesus looks at their faith and says, “Friend, your sins are forgiven. (Luke 5: 20) Then He instructs the man to get up, take your mat and go home. Everyone was amazed and filled with awe. Remarkable, simply remarkable!
(Shared from Luke 5: 1-26, Modified)
Deep Is Calling Unto Deep
What is preventing us from going deeper with God? Where does He want us to go in the upcoming year? What is He calling us to do?
The Land Is Divided
Yes, our land is divided; but the dividing in our reading is about dividing the land into portions to each tribe, representing their own territory. The portions were distributed and even, “The gates of the city will be named after the tribes of Israel.” (Ezekiel 48: 31)
We are then told, “And the names of the city from that time on will be, “The Lord is there!” (Ezekiel 48: 35)
Time To Take Hold
The deep things of God are for those who will grab hold of them. Who will take and grab hold of what God has promised and what He shall do?
Build For Me
How can we build within our deep faith? If we are not grounded in His Word and His promises, we will sink. The last book of Isaiah is concerning what the Lord wants. He says, “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being? declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 66: 1-2)
Solomon realized that God could not be localized in a man-made temple.
- We are now the man-made temples of God.
- We go many places and outside our local communities.
- We can go and make disciples, anywhere and any time.
The Lord has said, “This is the one I esteem: He who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my Word. (Isaiah 66: 2)
- In case anyone was wondering, a contrite spirit is a repentant spirit.
Isaiah continued prophesying, “You who tremble at His Word: Your brothers who hate you, and exclude you because of my name, have said, “Let the Lord be glorified, that we may see your joy.” (Isaiah 66: 5)
- Bringing glory to God brings joy.
Going deeper in the things of God brings deep joy, unspeakable, full of His glory.
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