Practical Ways to Become More Disciplined

Let’s be honest no one likes discipline, it’s hard and seems almost impossible to conquer at times.

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I always wanted to eat healthier, get up early in the morning, become a runner, and write more but I had difficulty starting and staying with these things I wanted to accomplish. I also wanted to think more positively but found myself having more of a “wilderness” mind. What has helped me to accomplish and even achieve some of the goals I mentioned above was learning how to discipline myself. Let’s be honest no one likes discipline, it’s hard and seems almost impossible to conquer at times. However, with the hard work comes the pay for your goals getting accomplished.


If you want to be more disciplined, I am listing below practical ways that you can use to become a more disciplined person:

1. Know your temptations and remove them. If you want to eat better, get rid of unhealthy foods and snacks in your house. Yes, you can treat yourself to a special dinner and dessert once a week but not every day.

2. Have clear goals and a vision for why you want to become more disciplined. Maybe you want to start exercising to feel better or maybe you want to be more productive at work.

3. Discipline is a learned behavior. You must practice this behavior to master what you want. It is believed it can take anywhere from 21-30 days to form a new habit. Practice daily what you want to overcome or achieve.

4. Don’t wait until you feel like doing something, move past your feelings and do it anyway. Develop a routine and stick to it regardless of how you feel.

5. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many changes at once, start small, and build your confidence for bigger changes.

6. When you have a setback, forgive yourself, and keep going forward. Don’t stop just because you had that piece of cheesecake you were trying to avoid.

7. Set boundaries. Know your limits, and say no to things that could hinder your desire to be more disciplined.

8. Reward yourself weekly when you accomplish what you have set out to do.

Being more disciplined will help you to manage your time better, and stay focused when other distractions compete for your time. Developing discipline will help you to achieve your goals. Without discipline, you may never get that college education, begin to exercise, or start that business you always wanted.

Purchase Stephanie’s book Disciplining Your Mind: 30 Days to a Better You! here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Stephanie Reck

Featured Image  by Denny Müller on Unsplash


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About the Author

Stephanie Reck provides life coaching services to women to help them get unstuck from life's challenges and move towards their purpose in God using 1:1 coaching sessions, courses, books, articles blogs, and videos. It is her mission to see women healed and whole through the work of the Holy Spirit and apply prayer, scriptures, deliverance, and/or a word of encouragement as the Holy Spirit directs to redirect women back to their first love, Jesus Christ.

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