DAD HACKERS: How to Lead Your Family Better

Episode #46 – Rob Reinow joins us today to talk about how to lead your family well. As a husband for almost 25 years and a father of 7, he knows first-hand the struggles that you’re going through.

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Audio Podcast
Audio Podcast
DAD HACKERS: How to Lead Your Family Better

Dad Hackers

Episode #46

Patrick Antonucci— Podcast Host

Men, oftentimes we try so hard to become the husband and father that God has called and created us to be. It can be frustrating at times when our progress and improvement don’t seem to line up with our efforts and intentions.

The solution, however, isn’t always to buckle down and try harder. And you certainly don’t need more information. Our lives are filled with tools, tips, and tricks; none of which seem to help.

Rob Reinow joins us today to talk about how to lead your family well. As a husband for almost 25 years and a father of 7, he knows first-hand the struggles that you’re going through.

Rob talks about two pivotal moments in his life that resulted in him becoming a better husband and father and leader of his family.

Make sure you take notes on this one guy because it’s a goldmine.

Show notes are at


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About the Author

Founded by Patrick Antonucci, Dad Hackers is a community and podcast for Christian dads. We are devoted to encouraging and equipping Christian men to become who God designed them to be so that they can raise up the next generation of Christ-followers and leave a legacy of multi-generational faithfulness.