DAD HACKERS: Rough Cut Men with David Dusek

Episode #26 – In this episode founder of Rough Cut Men Ministry, David Dusek and I talk about why is it so important for men to begin engaging with other men at a gut level, the importance of accountability, and why men are specifically targeted by the devil.

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Audio Podcast
Audio Podcast
DAD HACKERS: Rough Cut Men with David Dusek

Dad Hackers

Episode #26

Patrick Antonucci— Podcast Host

Have you “locked shields” with another man in your life? A man you can face the battle of life with. A man who will hold you accountable. One who will challenge you to be the man God created you to be.

In this episode founder of Rough Cut Men Ministry, David Dusek and I talk about why is it so important for men to begin engaging with other men at a gut level, the importance of accountability, and why men are specifically targeted by the devil.

Show notes can be found at Please leave us a short written review and share this episode to help spread this much-needed message.

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About the Author

Founded by Patrick Antonucci, Dad Hackers is a community and podcast for Christian dads. We are devoted to encouraging and equipping Christian men to become who God designed them to be so that they can raise up the next generation of Christ-followers and leave a legacy of multi-generational faithfulness.