Not The Wrong Number

Do you, as a part of the body of Christ, practice what the coach wants you to practice?

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My 18-year-old son, Kyle, had this situation occur to him a few days ago. This is what happened, and he wrote about it.

Yesterday, I got this call from a random person.

Apparently he got the number wrong. Normally I would just ignore things like this. But he left this message saying that he was trying to contact his mom. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was a full-grown man.

I felt it necessary to call him and inform him that he probably shouldn’t be expecting a call back from this number. He apologized and said, “You know the thing is, I’m about to go into surgery, so if I called you, it was purely by accident.”

Then I simply replied to him, “I don’t think it was an accident,” I said. “This may seem a little weird, but do you believe in God?”

He replied to me that he did. So I said, “Then we’re praying right now!”

I began to pray for him on the spot, not knowing anything about it. I knew nothing of his mistakes, the regrets he carries, or the victories he has accomplished. But I knew that God knew his name and knew every part of this situation.

Afterward, he thanked me and told me that I made a difference that I could never know. And I simply replied to him it’s no big deal it’s what the church is supposed to do.

As a human being, I understand that it is necessary to have a healthy body you must exercise and have proper eating habits. As a martial artist, I understand that practice makes perfect. When you practice a specific skill, you become competent in that skill. When you possess the competence of the skill it reaps confidence.

If you are a part of the church, you are a part of the body of Christ. As such, I have a compelling question. As the body of Christ, do you exercise? Exercising is the means of tearing down a muscle so that it will build back up stronger. Christ is the coach, so when He wants you to exercise, do you? Do you, as a part of the body of Christ, practice what the coach wants you to practice?

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. – Mark 16:15

The question is, do you practice what you preach? As the body of Christ, do you have proper eating habits? In other words, do you monitor what you listen to, what you watch, and where you go?

What things do you let influence you?

Now I am not the one to judge, but I think it’s high time we put our money where our mouth is.


Written by Tom Arn


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Christian Grandfather Magazine

Featured Image by Hilary Clark from Pixabay 


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About the Author

We desire to stir up grandfathers to continue leading—to share the gospel—to help one another in doing so. Christian Grandfather Magazine publishes faith-building articles from a variety of writers to encourage a closer spiritual bond with God, your wife, your children, and your grandchildren.

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