Mind Renewal

The veil was torn.

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The Old Covenant:

– You’re a servant of God.

– God’s thoughts are not your thoughts.

– God’s ways are higher than your ways.

– Holy Spirit rested upon them.


The New + Better Covenant:

– I no longer call you servant, but friend.

– I’ve given you the mind of Christ and the entire Bible to know My thoughts.

– You have been seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places.

– You are the dwelling place of Holy Spirit.


Make sure you’re not subscribing to old covenant thinking.

Renew your mind.

Walk in the new covenant.

The better covenant.

Jesus has taken you higher in the spirit.

From glory to glory. From faith to faith.

Live from that vantage point.

War from that vantage point.




To learn more about Heidi and her Kingdom passion, visit Kingdom Come Home

Featured Image by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Heidi is the founder of  Kingdom Come Home a brand infused with love. Love for Jesus, love for people, and a burning passion for His word. We desire our company to assist in reaching all nations with the Gospel. We offer lifestyle options for God's people that align with biblical principles.

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