Jesus Needs Your Donkey

There is no more time to waste. There are no more excuses. The Master needs you.

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In preparation for saving the world once and for all, Jesus needed something. He needed a colt. The one that was still tied up. The one that had not yet been used. The one that was lowly and humble.

That’s the one Jesus needed. That’s the one He’d choose to carry His glory. That’s the very one He needed to prepare the way to salvation. He chose the colt with no experience or significance. The one who didn’t yet know his potential to carry the weight of glory. Yet that’s the very one Jesus needed.

What do you have that the Master needs to carry Him through the streets? What have you kept tied up that needs to be loosed? What do you think you have that is too humble to be significant? I say to you that the Master has need of it. It’s time to allow the King to be carried in on our backs. It’s time for His praises to be heard. It’s time to worship Him!

There is no more time to waste. There are no more excuses. The Master needs you. He needs what you have kept tied up. He needs what you think isn’t yet ready for use. He needs you and every resource you own. He needs your talents and gifts, no matter how insignificant you think they are. He needs your voice to be declaring who He is. If you do not, even the rocks will cry out, for He’s worthy of your praise.

Jesus still uses the tied-up and ignored. Today, let Him loose you and use you for His glory. Decide to give Him your everything. Say yes to carry Him on your back. Let His glory be heard so that others can be loosed and rejoice with you.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Jaime Luce

Featured Image by Florian GIORGIO on Unsplash

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About the Author

Jaime Luce is a sought-after author, speaker, blogger, podcaster, and monthly Charisma Magazine contributor. Over the past two decades, Jaime has served as a leadership and development pastor, teacher, and blogger. She is a team-building and personal growth specialist. Her goal in every mode of ministry has been to empower others to discover the truth of who they are, while also equipping them to tap into God’s abundant blessings.

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