VERACITICITY is a new destination website aggregating conservative and Christian news from across the digital realm.

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We live in a world increasingly influenced and controlled by false narratives propagated by the mainstream news media. It often feels like an ongoing virtual assault on our beliefs and cognitive perception of reality.

On any given day, we see and hear these “journalists” using the same talking points, terms, sound bites, and “facts”—which are remarkably similar, if not, precisely identical. These things also amazingly align with what is being said by progressive, globalist, and establishment politicians and political operatives.

We live in a hyper-politicized, almost Orwellian time. Many have become numb to the traditional media sources, recognizing them as “fake news.” Many literally do not know WHAT to believe anymore—but they have concluded WHO NOT to believe.

Fortunately, a growing number of honest, independent journalists have risen up that are dedicated to finding and reporting the truth. They can be found on various websites, blogs, social media platforms, YouTube, podcasts, TV, and radio.

Accordingly, we are pleased to introduce VERACITICITY—the first online news aggregator site bringing together news and opinion from across the digital realm from conservative, Christian, and balanced media sources such as Kingdom Winds, Breitbart News, The Gateway Pundit, OAN News, The Conservative Treehouse, WND, Townhall, American Greatness, Just the News, Sara Carter, Mario Murillo, CBN, The Stream, and many, many more.

By eliminating the clutter of mainstream media sources that dominate the airways, news feeds, and search engines, VERACITICITY provides a one-stop destination to keep you well informed with insights, perspectives, and information without the corrupt agenda.

Visit VERACITICITY throughout each day to find content perpetually updated in real-time from your favorite, trusted sources to other previously unknown and emerging voices. Rather than surfing from site to site to find the news and commentary, we aggregate it all in one place to save and maximize your time.

You will also find other breaking news and relevant content discovered across social media, TV, and the Internet on hot topics. VERACITICITY is always on the lookout to broaden your knowledge and awareness.

Visit and bookmark VERACITICITY today. You can also access this site by selecting News in the dropdown menu under Multimedia on’s main menu. Or, simply click on the link provided on our sidebar. 

We will always “leave the salt and light on.”


The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

VERACITICITY is the premier destination website aggregating conservative and Christian news from across the digital realm. Visit frequently throughout each day to find the latest news without the agenda and spin.

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