How to Pray for Your Church

Nick shares key directives on how to pray for our local churches.

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Psalm 74:22a Rise up, God, champion your cause!

• That God would give us a supernatural anointing over the church and its ministries.



• That our church would regularly and deeply abide in the presence of Christ and have a thorough understanding of what it means to walk in grace. – John 15:1-8

• That our church would be made up of servants and givers, not consumers. – Matthew 20:25-28

• That our church would not view service as being primarily about how it makes me feel but about bringing God glory. – 1 Peter 4:7-11

• That the individuals in our church, like Christ, would give ourselves for THE Church by making it a focal point of much of our energy, resources, and ambition. – Ephesians 5:25b



• That our church would see relationship in the church as a vital part of living out our faith. – Acts 2:42-47

• That those relationships would be transparent and that it is not unusual to confess sin to each other and call on each other to confess sin. – James 5:16

• That our conversations with each other would be centered around Christ and his Word. – Ephesians 4:29

• That we would regularly encourage each other with Scripture. – 1 Thessalonians 4:18

• That we would regularly practice hospitality and see it as an important part of being a Christian. – Romans 12:13



• That we would have unity amidst diversity and it would be a witness to the community. – Ephesians 4:1-6, John 13:35

• That we would do what is good, glorify God by demonstrating the beauty of living for him, and commend the gospel in all our work, our daily lives, and all of our interactions.. – 1 Corinthians 10:31

• That we would regularly see people come to a saving knowledge of Christ, baptized, and discipled. – Matthew 18:20

• That we would see it as our individual responsibility to be a part of carrying out the Great Commission. – Mark 16:15-16



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Nick Minerva

Featured Image by Masa Hu from Pixabay



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About the Author

Nick Minerva lives in Fresno, California with his wife, Sarah and their four children. He currently serves as the Associate Pastor of Fresno Church where he has been on staff for over 10 years.

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