How Jesus Saved Us in the Air

I knew that whether I lived or died, it was going to be ok!

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I was a flight attendant in 2001. A couple of months after the 9-11 destruction of the twin towers people were starting to fly again. On this particular flight, I was cleaning up in the forward cabin, from the dinner service to first-class customers. It was getting late in the flight and the captain had turned the lights out, so people could snooze or watch a movie. 

A young woman came into the cabin and took me aside. She was very scared! She told me there were two men, on their bellies, sliding down the aisles, and measuring the width and length of the seat rows all the way down to the lavatories in the back. They were speaking in a foreign dialect, which she couldn’t understand. I sent her back to her seat and I went to the back of the plane, to see for myself. One of the men was in the back lavatory and the other one was on his belly measuring the length of the floor. The one on the floor wore a turban and was of an eastern race. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to imagine what he might be doing but I didn’t want to cause any trouble at that moment by saying anything to him.

I backed away slowly and motioned for the other two flight attendants to follow me and we went back up to First Class. We discussed what we saw for a few minutes and got a game plan together (sorry, I can’t reveal this as it is a secret in how we are trained). I then gave the signal to the Flight Marshall that was on the plane, called the captain, and went in to see him. 

With a heavy, heavy, heart, I told the Captain what was going on, in the back of the plane. He was silent for a few mins, as well as the Co-Pilot. We just stood there in silence. Why? Because the Command had been given, after the 9-11 catastrophe, that if any plane had a domestic terrorist on board, they would just BE SHOT OUT OF THE SKY! That is why we were so quiet! If the Captain called this in (which he is supposed to) we would be blown up in a matter of minutes. So, we agreed NOT TO CALL IT IN, BUT TO HANDLE IT OURSELVES!

Yes, we had a plan! And the Flight Marshall was part of it! Can’t reveal what it was but I can assure you that we WERE NOT GOING TO DIE BY THEIR HANDS AGAIN!! 

I was feeling a little better praying to God and asking Jesus for help. I was shaking so hard that I could hardly act normal. We had a full plane of passengers and babies, innocent people on this plane. It made me so mad that these sick people could take our lives in a nanosecond, for their god! Let me tell you, as I went back into first Class to do some things, I was praying my head off!

When, all of a sudden, I looked out the round porthole in the left door and there was an F-16 BOMBER flying completely even with our plane. I will NEVER NEVER forget that moment in time! As I looked at the pilot it’s like our eyes hooked together and tears just started rolling down my face. We were fixing to die! His eyes were sad. I just knew this was not what he wanted to do, but he had his orders! 

As I stood there in shock, crying I asked the Lord to intervene. I didn’t want to die yet, but I had lived longer than the little kids on the plane, it wasn’t fair to them. I turned and looked out the right porthole, and there was the other F-16! I just would not give up! I kept praying! I talked to the Captain and we deduced, someone on the plane saw the men too, and called their loved one, who called the Airline! In no time at all, our flight was labeled as a possible terrorist threat! I was shocked, almost numb, my heart fell into my stomach!

But, I kept asking God to intervene, and then I felt great peace flood me! A GREAT PEACE from God. I knew that whether I lived or died, it was going to be ok! I cannot reveal how we handled these two men, but let me assure you, they were not able to move around anymore. Each person that was part of the flight crew, took the time to pray and get their sins confessed because we were probably going down in the next few mins! 

After a few minutes, I went back to the forward cabin to do something and I looked out the left window, and the pilot nodded his head to me, then banked his plane. It shot away from us like a rocket!! The plane on the right side did the same thing! What happened? I was confused. And then, I KNEW. They were not going to shoot us down! Relief flooded me like a warm shower, sweat was rolling down my back, and all I could do was thank Jesus! I know people thought I was a lunatic, but I didn’t care. I was so thankful I was praising God with my lips!

I went in to see the Captain to find out what happened. He never told me what he told those pilots. He just smiled and winked at me! All I know is God intervened that day! He stopped us from being killed by those two men and from those F-16’s. I don’t know all the story but, I know enough. Enough to understand that God does answer prayers and HE will save us when we are in bad situations. I pray you know Jesus. I hope HE is your Savior because there is NO promise for tomorrow, but with Jesus, you know where you are going IF your time is up! 

I have so many stories of Jesus being there for me, or saving me, or saving others. Now, you see why I am so crazy about HIM! I won’t live without HIM! If You don’t know Jesus but want to and you need HIM as your Savior, just bow your head. Tell God, that you believe that Jesus is HIS son, that HE was sent to die for all the sins of mankind on the cross. That Jesus rose from the grave on the 3rd day and sits on the right side of the Father! Ask Jesus to be your Savior! Then go buy a Bible and start reading the New Testament, as that is our Covenant with God. I pray Blessings on your head and heart, as you start your beautiful journey with Jesus!




Featured Image by Anita Menger from Pixabay

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About the Author

Terri Morgan Southard is a Kingdom Winds Contributor and an ordained minister for the Lord Jesus Christ. She studied under Kim Clement and at Joan Hunter Ministries.

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