Are you one who is considered strong and standing firm in a bad situation? It’s our feet that position us how we stand, literally. Some crumble at the slightest thing going wrong. Others have learned to stand firm even in hardship.
What makes us strong? Yes, hardship and opposition toughen us up. Being in battles, causes us to fight, yet we don’t want to live there. If we do, we will become battle-worn.
There are signs that can lead us there. We have to just look for them. There are signs about the end times, too. The disciples wanted to know, “When will these things happen?” (Mark 13: 6) Jesus was pretty vague in His answer, but He gives us a few things to look for.
- Many will come in Jesus’ name.
- There will be wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed.
- Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom,
- There will be earthquakes and famines.
Yes, these are signs, but they are the beginning of birth pains.
There will be years of labor and pain before the final delivery. “…Each will be delivered according to his own labor.” (1 Corinthians 3: 8)
(Shared from Mark 13: 1-13, Modified)
There will be a reaping. Hosea is prophesying that Israel will reap. God gives him a sign saying, “An eagle is over the house of the Lord, because the people have broken My covenant and rebelled against my law.” (Hosea 8: 1) Before he speaks forth his prophecy, he says, “Put a trumpet to your lips!” (Hosea 8: 1)
A declaration is being made that Israel has forgotten his Maker and built palaces.
What’s the meaning of the eagle? That an enemy is fast approaching. An eagle is a sign of coming like a vulture swooping down to devour its prey.
The reaping is referring to, “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.” (Hosea 8: 7) We can see the damage a whirlwind can do! Look what happens in a tornado.
- God allows us to reap what we sow, yet His love for us is never changing.
- They are seasons. (Shared from Hosea 8, Modified)
Building The Temple, Building The Promise Solomon is building the temple that was promised to his father, David. In the building, “Only blocks dressed at the quarry were used and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple sit while it was being built.” (1 Kings 6: 7)
Why didn’t Solomon allow any iron tools while building? One commentary says, “The temple had to be built with human labor. God did not and would not send a team of angels to build the temple. Yet Solomon did not want the sound of man’s work to dominate the site of the temple. He wanted to communicate, as much as possible, that the temple was of God and not of man. This speaks to the way God works in His people. Often the greatest work in the Kingdom of God happens quietly.”
- Special building requires special people, using their special skills.
The final touches included everything being overlaid with pure gold.
- God desires to purify His temple, His people as pure gold.
- We as Christ-followers are the temple of God.
Being made as pure gold is what purifies us when we are tested. “When He has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have clearly followed his steps. I have kept to His way without turning aside.” (Job 23: 10) He didn’t turn aside, because his feet were firmly planted.
Solomon spent seven years to build the temple with its specifications. The number seven signifies being made complete.
- He who stands firm to the end is complete.
“The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations. (Psalm 33: 1)
(Shared from 1 Kings 6, Modified)
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