The Word of God says in 1 Corinthians 2:9,
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
There is a stirring and shaking in the atmosphere. Everyone senses that something huge is going to happen, but many are confused because they don’t know what to expect.
Believers who are sensitive to The Spirit Realm recognize the birth pains of a coming Revival. Some of you are already experiencing new levels of His Anointing.
Those who don’t know Jesus are living in fear as they watch the enemy going about like a roaring lion, seeking those whom he may devour.
But then there are those believers who rise up and take their authority, trusting Jesus, the lion of Judah. We are about to experience His power and glory in a monumental way in the days ahead. Many believers will have Spiritual encounters that are uncommon to man.
Last night, The LORD gave me two powerful scriptures for The Body of Christ. I was reading in The Book of Jeremiah 51, about being God’s Battleaxes.
The Holy Spirit showed me that He is looking for strong believers to be His Battleaxes; to tear down the strongholds of the kingdom of darkness and establish a Godly kingdom on earth; to destroy the evil agenda and the perverted ways that the enemy is trying to use to distort the integrity of our Nation.
After reading this, I went to The Book of Hebrews 1:7 which says, in speaking of the Angels, “He makes His Angels, winds, His servants, Flames of Fire”.
I looked this verse up in Strong’s concordance and the word “winds” is rúah which means wind and breath of heaven.
The Passion Translation says: “and about His Angels He says, “I make My Angels swift winds, and My Ministers, fiery flames.”
The LORD says: “I AM looking for those who are tenacious in faith, to be battle axes to overthrow the plans and plots of the evil one — to tear down and dismantle all that the enemy has erected.
I AM seeking those who are strong and courageous, to re-arrange everything back to its rightful place. They will call down fire on the altars of Baal and the idolatry of Asherah.
I AM igniting My Ministers as Flames of Fire, to release My Anointing to this generation. They will come in My Power and with My Authority, and they will be ablaze with My Glory.
I will send them out to enkindle the Flames that have died out and rekindle the embers that have been left smoldering in the lives of those who have lost their zeal.
I AM rekindling the Fire of those in the Five-fold Ministry and releasing them back into their positions.
I AM rekindling the Fire of those who were once used in Spiritual Gifts, who have become weary and lost their passion.
I AM rekindling the Fire to those who are called to go out and set the world ablaze.
I will send My Winds and breathe My rúah, as I fan the Flames and bring fire back into your lives and ministries.
What seemed charred, seared, and stagnant in your life, will be revived as My Fire ignites a new passion in your soul.
Now is the time for My Glory to be radiant throughout the land. As the darkness increases, you will also see My Anointing accelerate beyond what you have ever known.
Just as in the days of old, I will pour out My Spirit once again. You will see wonders in the heavens above, and signs in the earth below.
As you observe the days getting darker, I will raise up people to be My Light bearers and carry My Glory to the ends of the earth.
Now is the time for Revival.”
“Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.” Psalm 104:4.
“But His Word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back and I could not.” Jeremiah 20:9b.
“In speaking of the angels He says,” He makes His angels winds, His servants Flames of Fire.”” Hebrews 1:7.
To learn more about Elaine, visit A Word in Season
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