“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
I can still remember, as a kid, some big-time trouble I got into one day at Escatawpa Elementary School. Some of my buddies and I were outside playing during recess when we noticed a strawberry patch right next to the playground. Those strawberries looked so good! They were red, ripe, and ready. They looked delicious; we just gotta some we thought. There was only one problem. Mr. Joe Robinson, who owned that strawberry patch, had put a barbed wire fence around it.
We saw that fence as the one obstacle keeping us from an enjoyable time. We weren’t about to let that fence keep us from what we wanted. We made the decision. A couple of us would hold up the bottom of the fence while two other guys slid under and grabbed several handfuls of strawberries for the rest of the group. What we didn’t know was Mr. Joe was watching us and he called the school. Yikes! Sure enough, our sin found us out!
While in the principal’s office listening to Mr. Gordon dole out our punishment, I saw that fence we slid under in a much different light. I saw that fence, not as a barrier keeping us from an enjoyable time, but as a blessing that could’ve kept us from getting into trouble with a capital “T”!
Just like Mr. Joe Robinson’s barbed wire fence, many times we’ve looked at God’s commandments as a restraint keeping us from a good time. Many of us have learned the hard way and now see His commandments much differently. His Word protects us from hurt and scars that are sure to come our way when we ignore it. That’s the message from our verses above.
After shunning God’s Word, and God’s way for his life, King Solomon chose rather to try everything the world had to offer. He became wise in his own eyes. Later, he summed up his life experience in these when he said, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” Solomon was saying, “Listen to a seasoned pro at sinning. I know what I’m talking about here. I’ve tried it all. I’ve learned God’s love for you is beyond comprehension and His Word is more trustworthy than the words of your dearest friend.
If you leave God out of the picture by ignoring His loving commands and living like you want to live, your life will be empty, meaningless, and futile. But if you want to live a life that is full, a life of purpose, then here it is: fear God and obey His Word.
That’s what will keep you on track with God’s plan for your life. Fear God and obey His commands.”
The Bible is filled with commands from our Lord. But we shouldn’t look at His Word to us like it’s a bunch of do’s and don’ts! Too many think of His commands as, “I can’t do this!” Or, “I have to do this if I’m going to be a Christian!” That’s when your “Christian life” becomes a dull religion instead of a loving relationship with the Lord. Most believers need to have a change of mindset.
Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” His Word is spoken from a heart of love and desire to guide you safely through this dark world. When God says don’t do a particular thing, He’s actually saying, “Please don’t do that! I love you! That’ll bring hurt and scars upon your life!”
And when He commands you to do a certain thing, He’s actually saying, “Help yourself to blessings!” View a given command, not as something you have to do, but something you get to do! Our mindset each day should be to approach God’s Word with the attitude, “Lord, show me another way to be blessed!” Or, “Lord, show me something else I can avoid in life that might bring harm my way!” Think of Jesus’ Words in that light. When he said, “If you love me, keep my commandments’ “, He is saying, “Don’t break my heart! Allow my Word to guide you to a blessed life!”
Heed the counsel of Solomon. Never entertain the thought of God’s commands being like a “barbed wire fence.” Be assured God’s intent is never to restrain you, He’s protecting you from unwanted hardships that are just on the other side of that fence. He loves you! His Word is Truth! His Word is never a barrier, but filled with blessings for the life of everyone who obeys!
Think it over . . .
Written by Doug Pierce
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Christian Grandfather Magazine
Featured Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay
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