God’s Baptism

God is sending a baptism of a spiritual deluge meant to sweep away our impotent forms of modern Churchianity.

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Recently while driving, I heard the Holy Spirit ask me, “Do you know why I sent the ‘baptism’ in Noah’s day?!” And then I heard, “It was because of mixture that was corrupting the earth.” I waited and heard, “I’m sending a baptism upon the church because the structures and systems of it have become captured operations of mixture. They have become sterile.”
God is always working to bring forth the promised seed in His people. In Noah’s day, the seed of Christ was almost cut off in the bloodline of humanity through the co-mingling of DNA. No recourse was available except a baptism to remove the mixture and bring to surface the ark of life in which the seed would survive.
That may have been the first reformation of the church so to speak.
God is once again sending a baptism. Not of the flood waters, but of a spiritual deluge meant to sweep away our impotent forms of modern ‘Churchianity’ that abort Christ instead of manifest Him.
Much of modern ‘Churchianity’ has been co-mingled and mixed with the mind and mode of man and therefore can only reproduce flesh. In Noah’s day, the giants were born as a result of the mixture. Today we have fleshly celebrity giants whose heads have grown so big they have sophisticatedly outmaneuvered the headship of Christ. Their giant structures of flesh give birth to more flesh.
But even Mary required the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit to produce Christ within. Man had to get out of the way. Joseph went low, and yielded to make allowance for God to have his way with the bride! (In a spiritual sense only.) God is coming after the womb of the church again. Creation is groaning for the revealing of the sons of God, i.e. those who manifest Christ.
Those of us who are called to help lead in some capacity within the body of Christ, must not be overly sentimental to a method, a model, or a tradition. God is going to redefine, reform, and remodel all of our understanding of Biblical Christianity. I don’t know what it will all look like, but I know it will have the apostolic authority to manifest Christ. In these days let’s stay near the Ark of the Lord – His presence. Christ Himself.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Andrew Whalen

Featured Image by Wolfgang_Hasselmann from Pixabay

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About the Author

Andrew Whalen leads Vanquish Prophetic Warriors. It is his heart to share, inspire, and teach insight and revelation that will help equip the warrior for victory.